(a) whether various State Governments have submitted proposals
to the Union Government for setting up of hydro power projects;
(b) if so, the details thereof, State-wise including Kerala;and
(c) the action taken by the Government thereon?
(a) whether various State Governments have submitted proposals
to the Union Government for setting up of hydro power projects;
(b) if so, the details thereof, State-wise including Kerala;and
(c) the action taken by the Government thereon?
(a) to (c): Detailed Project Reports (DPRs) of 16 hydro electric(HE) projects in the State-sector were
received from various State Governments for concurrence of Central Electricity Authority (CEA) during
the last three years (from 2007-08 onwards). No DPR from Kerala Government was submitted for concurrence
during this period.
Out of the above 16 DPRs, DPRs of 3 HE projects, namely Gundia HE Project Stage- I (200MW) – Karnataka,
Baglihar HE project Stage – II (450 MW) – J&K and Sainj HE project (100 MW) – Himachal Pradesh have been
accorded concurrence by CEA. DPR of one project, namely ShongtongKarcham HE project (450 MW) in Himachal
Pradesh, is under examination by CEA, Central Water Commission (CWC) and Geological Survey of India (GSI).
DPRs of remaining 12 HE projects have been returned to State Governments on account of various deficiencies
/inadequacies in the DPR, cost of the project being less than Rs.500 crores for which concurrence of CEA is
not required, etc. The States have been advised to resubmit these DPRs after incorporating the required
details/inputs in the DPRs. The details of these 16 DPRs including the action taken thereon are at Annex.