(a) whether the Government has received any proposal from States/Non-Governmental Organisations to include the agriculture in the Concurrent List;

(b) if so, whether the Government has consulted the States in this regard;

(c) if so, the suggestions received from the States; and

(d) the action taken by the Government in this regard?

Answer given by the minister


(a) to (d): Letters have been received from Shri P. Chengal Reddy C/o Confederation of Indian Industry and Shri Sanat Mehta of Gujarat Pradeh Nationalist Congress party in which they have raised the issue of inclusion of Agriculture in Concurrent List.

Though State Governments are responsible for implementation of policies and programmes for development of agriculture in their respective States, the Union Government recognizes its responsibility towards the agriculture sector. Steps are accordingly undertaken and plan provisions made to enhance agricultural production and productivity through various schemes and programmes for raising the income of farmers. The plan allocations cover the whole gamut of crop production programmes, marketing reforms and creation of marketing and storage infrastructure like godowns and cold storages, soil and water conservation, plant protection measures, cooperation, horticulture development and promotion of high yielding varieties of seeds. The Government of India also plays a crucial role in the provision of research and education, credit and in providing for risk management in agriculture.

As there is already substantial involvement of Union Government in promoting agriculture and its allied sectors through schemes/programmes, it is felt that transferring agriculture from the State List to Concurrent List of the Constitution of India may not serve any purpose. Such a measure may create confusion regarding the respective responsibilities of States and the Union Government. Agricultural operations are better managed by the authorities at the local level and can be more effectively handled by the State Government through their officers and functionaries in the field with the Government of India providing for intervention at the macro level.