Question : Missing Children

) whether the Government has taken note of instances of missing children being recovered by the Police although their relatives have not been traced during the last three years;
(b) if so, the number of such children during the last three years, State-wise; and
(c) the proposals formulated by the Government regarding the upbringing and education of such children?

Answer given by the minister

(a) & (b): As per the information provided by National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB), State/UT-wise number of missing and traced children (below 18 years) in the country during last three years has been given in the Annexure.
(c): The Ministry of Women and Child Development implements “Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2015 (JJ Act)” which supports the measures for institutional and non-institutional care aimed at well being of children in distress situations. As per Section 2 (14) (i) of JJ Act, a child who is found without any home or settled place of abode and without any ostensible means of subsistence is included as a “child in need of care and protection (CNCP)”. The Ministry implements a centrally sponsored Child Protection Services (CPS) Scheme for supporting the CNCP including orphan/abandoned/surrendered, etc, as envisaged under JJ Act. Under CPS, financial assistance is provided to States/UTs, for, inter-alia, undertaking a situational analysis of children in difficult circumstances, for setting up of and maintenances of various types of Child Care Institutes (CCIs) for providing various rehabilitative services through institutional and non-institutional care. The primary responsibility of execution of the Act lies with the States/UTs.

Annexure referred in reply to part (a) & (b) of the Lok Sabha Unstarred Question No.2286 for answer on 23.09.2020 raised by Dr. Virendra Kumar regarding “Missing Children”.
State/UT-wise number of missing and traced children (below 18 years) in the country during last three provided by NCRB is as follows:
SL State/UT 2016 2017 2018
Missing Traced Missing Traced Missing Traced
1 Andhra Pradesh 3324 1912 3616 2902 3150 2610
2 Arunachal Pradesh 61 33 74 48 34 32
3 Assam 2413 1069 1651 1170 2120 1461
4 Bihar 5896 3026 8493 3271 12072 6967
5 Chhattisgarh 3127 2051 3341 2267 4237 2920
6 Goa 57 25 45 14 47 16
7 Gujarat 2007 1247 2172 1653 2417 1873
8 Haryana 3575 1695 3814 2217 3739 2576
9 Himachal Pradesh 280 174 368 271 481 340
10 Jammu & Kashmir 1070 354 725 219 800 416
11 Jharkhand 1008 329 1099 465 993 377
12 Karnataka 4224 2733 3195 1954 2864 2314
13 Kerala 1735 1520 1755 1595 2153 2002
14 Madhya Pradesh 12068 8197 14116 8834 15320 9284
15 Maharashtra 9982 4357 8581 3364 6928 3214
16 Manipur 186 172 97 75 107 82
17 Meghalaya 184 155 148 103 163 119
18 Mizoram 0 0 1 1 3 3
19 Nagaland 77 63 103 101 97 81
20 Odisha 5791 589 7446 6281 3491 1139
21 Punjab 1290 510 2724 872 2587 638
22 Rajasthan 4203 3216 3403 2453 3521 2479
23 Sikkim 150 110 88 85 57 52
24 Tamil Nadu 5801 4660 5844 4782 5333 4038
25 Telangana 4700 3597 4304 2984 4410 3152
26 Tripura 197 171 166 150 198 188
27 Uttar Pradesh 5169 1861 5161 2763 5704 2799
28 Uttarakhand 859 589 877 572 938 374
29 West Bengal 16881 5388 19671 11849 16027 10205
TOTAL STATE(S) 96315 49803 103078 63315 99991 61751
30 A&N Islands 53 48 43 35 56 44
31 Chandigarh 435 152 513 207 540 214
32 D&N Haveli 8 2 8 4 4 0
33 Daman & Diu 39 27 34 29 30 17
34 Delhi 14661 5863 15252 6807 14986 9102
35 Lakshadweep 0 0 0 0 0 0
36 Puducherry 58 49 43 43 49 48
TOTAL UT(S) 15254 6141 15893 7125 15665 9425
TOTAL (ALL INDIA) 111569 55944 118971 70440 115656 71176
Source: Crime in India
Note: Clarifications are pending from West Bengal, Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Meghalaya & Sikkim for the year 2018

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