(a),(b)&(e): Yes,sir.
The Ministry of Tribal Affairs has recently entered into an agreement with the Ministry of Rural Development for promotion of about 8.90 lakh Scheduled Tribe (ST) Self Help Groups (SHG) across the country under which the State unit of DAY-NRLM (SRLM) will identify and conduct a quick livelihood planning / gap analysis exercise and prepare livelihood annual action plan including list of individual and common assets for individual household as well as village for the women SHG members from tribal communities and their villages/hamlets for submission of the same to the State Department in-charge of Tribal Development with firmed up cost estimates preferably by 31stDecember of preceding financial year of the Annual Plan. It is also envisaged to conduct trainings and capacity building events for imparting knowledge, skill and awareness including on-field hand holding support on the livelihood activities that each women SHG will be pursuing through its livelihood Community Service Provider (CRP) network and plan for credit need (Micro credit Plan) for livelihood promotion for each of the SHG women and arrange to cater to the need through their SHGs. The State Departments (In-charge of tribal development) will include the list of SHG women from tribal households in its beneficiaries list as submitted by the SRLM for outsourcing works of EMRS schools like housekeeping, cleaning and other activities in the EMRS and Ashram Schools.
For empowerment of Tribal women, NSTFDC is administering a scheme “Adivasi Mahila Sashaktikaran Yojana (AMSY)” for Tribal women to undertake any income generation activity. Under this scheme, loan up to 90% of project costing up to ?2 lakh is provided at a highly concessional rate of interest of 4% p.a. During the last three years, a total of ?147.70 crore have been disbursed to assist women beneficiaries under this scheme.
The Ministry also administers the Schemes of “Institutional Support for Development and Marketing of Tribal Products/Produce", “Mechanism for Marketing of Minor Forest Produce through Minimum Support Price and development of Value Chain” and “Equity Support to National Scheduled Tribes Finance and Development Corporation (NSTFDC)/ State Scheduled Tribes Finance and Development Corporations (STFDCs)” for socio-economic development and empowerment of tribal communities in the country including those involved in traditional art & craft products, natural & organic products.The benefits of these schemes reach tribal women too.
The State Department (in-charge of tribal development) / TRIFED give priority in inclusion of tribal SHGs / PG with majority of members from tribal households in Van Dhan Yojana. The gap, if any, are to be addressed through relevant schemes of MoTA and Grants-in-Aid under proviso to Article 275(1) of the Constitution of India.
(c) & (d): No,Sir. There is no such proposal under consideration.
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