Question : Accidents involving by School Vehicles

(a) the total number of students killed/injured in accidents involving school buses/vans/RTVs during each of the last three years and the current year, school-wise in the NCT of Delhi;

(b) whether the Delhi Traffic Police has registered cases against the school buses/RTVs or any other vehicle ferrying school children;

(c) if so, the total number of such cases registered and the action taken against the school administrations, bus drivers in this regard during the said period, school-wise;

(d) the guidelines laid down by the Supreme Court regarding plying of school buses and vehicles ferrying school children;

(e) whether it is a fact that these guidelines are being flouted with impunity by vehicles ferrying school children including illegal modifications made in the vehicles so that more children could be adjusted thereby endangering the lives of school children;

(f) if so, the action taken by the Delhi Police and Delhi Transport Authority, to impound such vehicles and suitably penalize the offenders; and

(g) the other measures taken to ensure safety of the school going children?

Answer given by the minister


(a) to (c): Details of total number of students killed/injured in accidents involving school buses/vans/RTVs and action taken, school-wise, in the National Capital Territory (NCT) of Delhi during each of the last three years and the current year (upto 15.07.2015) are at Annexure-A.

L.S.US.Q.NO.2358 FOR 04.08.2015

(d): the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India in CWP No. 13029/85 – M.C. Mehta Vs. UOI & Ors. has issued directions regarding plying of school buses in the NCT of Delhi. These directions were further incorporated in Delhi Motor Vehicles (Amendment) Rules, 1998.

(e) to (f): The motor vehicles ferrying school children which are found violating the guidelines are regularly prosecuted by Delhi Police. The details of prosecution action and school buses impounded by Delhi Police during the last three years and the current year (upto 15.7.2015) are as under: -

Year Challaned Impounded
2012 7321 693
2013 3736 714
2014 2679 128
2015 (upto 15.07.2015) 1460 31

In addition to this, details of the number of school buses and school vans prosecuted/ impounded by Transport Department of the NCT of Delhi during the financial years 2014-15 and 2015-16 (01.04.15 to 30.06.15) are as under: -

Year School Buses School Vans
2014-15 639 578
2015 (01.04.15 to 30.06.15) 94 61

(g): Delhi Police has taken various efforts to widely cover school children in road safety education. The staff of road safety cell of traffic police visit schools, display mobile exhibition van at important places and distribute pamphlets on Road Safety to various road users of Delhi. Film Shows for imparting road safety education are also organized for school children in various parts of Delhi. In addition to this, Delhi Police has requested Principals of various schools to designate one teacher as Road Safety Coordinator in every school in the NCT of Delhi for organisation of road safety programmes in schools to sensitize the children. During Delhi Police week, a workshop-cum-programme was organized wherein all the road safety coordinators were invited and trained by Delhi Police. Help of volunteers is also taken in regulation of traffic at important traffic junctions by providing help to senior citizens, children and physically challenged persons to cross the roads safely. Special drives are also conducted against the vehicles ferrying school children from time to time by the Transport Department of NCT of Delhi.

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