Question : Funds under AMRUT

(a) the total amount of funds earmarked under the Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Tansformation (AMRUT) yojana for providing water connections, better sewerage, LED street light etc. to various States during the year, 2020;

(b) whether cities have been idenitified for the aforesaid purpose and if so, the details thereof;

(c) the amount of funds spent thereon during the last two years, State-wise;

(d) the reasons for poor performance in the implementation of the aforesaid mission;

(e) the details of implementation in particular areas identified under the AMRUT during the last five years, State and year-wise; and

(f) the details of cities identified for this purpose in Maharashtra under the aforesaid mission along with the status thereof, city-wise?

Answer given by the minister


(a) to (c): Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation (AMRUT) was launched by the Government on June 25, 2015in 500 selected cities and towns across all States/ Union Territories (UTs). AMRUT focuses on development of infrastructure in the sectors of water supply, sewerage and septage management, storm water drainage, non-motorized urban transport, and green spaces and parks. A set of Reforms and Capacity Building are also the part of the Mission.

The total Central outlay under AMRUT for the entire Mission period is ?50,000 crore, of which ?35,990 crore has been earmarked for AMRUT projects and remaining amount has been earmarked for other components of AMRUT such as Administrative and Office Expenses (A&OE),Reform Incentives, Eligible spill over projects of erstwhile Scheme of Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission (JnNURM),Sub-scheme of GIS based Master Plan,and sub-scheme of Local Area Programme – Town Planning Scheme (LAP-TPS).

Under AMRUT, projects funds have been earmarked for the entire Mission period. Funds have not been earmarked year-wise or city-wise. Central Assistance released to States/UTs for AMRUT projects during the financial year 2019-20 and 2020-21 are given at ANNEXURE-I.

(d): Against the total approved plan size of ?77,640 crore, States/UTs have taken up 5,850 projects worth ?81,283 crore.Of these,4,158 projects worth ?26,193 crore have been completed. So far, works worth ?60,446 crore have been physically completed.

Against the target to provide 139 lakh water tap connections to achieve universal water supply coverage and 145 lakh sewer connections to enhance substantial sewerage network coverage, 126 lakh water tap connections and 95 lakh sewer connections (including septage management) have been provided under AMRUT and in convergence with other scheme.

Implementation of certain AMRUT projects have got delayed due to various reasons, such as land disputes, natural calamities, delay in obtaining clearances / permissions from other departments and lockdown imposed due to COVID-19 pandemic etc.

(e): State-wise details of implementation of AMRUT projects since inception of the scheme till date are given at ANNEXURE – II.

(f) A total of 44 cities of the State of Maharashtra have been covered under AMRUT scheme. City-wise status of projects in the State of Maharashtra is given at Annexure – III.


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