Question : Foodgrain Output

(a) whether wheat, pulses and other foodgrains output has been projected to be at an all time high during the crop year 2016-17 due to good monsoon and if so, the details thereof;

(b) the details of actual output of these crops in the country during the year 2016-17, crop-wise;

(c) whether the Government is considering to impose higher import duties on wheat so as to discourage its import; and

(d) whether the country has adequate stocks of wheat to meet its any unforeseeable shortage in the markets in the country?

Answer given by the minister


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(a) & (b): As a result of normal monsoon and various policy initiatives taken by the Government, the foodgrain production for the country has been estimated at record 273.38 million tonnes during the year 2016-17 (as per Third Advance Estimates) which is higher by 8.34 million tonnes than the previous record production of foodgrain of 265.04 million tonnes achieved during 2013-14. Further, the production of rice, wheat, coarse cereals and pulses has also been estimated at a new record for 2016-17. The details are as follows:



Crop Production 2016-17 (million tonnes)
Rice 109.15
Wheat 97.44
Jowar 4.74
Bajra 9.86
Maize 26.14
Coarse Cereals 44.39
Tur 4.60
Gram 9.08
Total Pulses 22.40
Total Foodgrains 273.38
Note: As per Third Advance Estimates for 2016-17

(c): There is no proposal under consideration to impose higher import duty on wheat.

(d): The stock position of wheat in the Central Pool as on 01.07.2017 is 322.75 lakh tonnes against the buffer norms of 275.80 lakh tonnes as on 1st July, 2017. Hence, the country has adequate stocks of wheat to meet any unforeseen shortage in the markets in the country.


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