Question : Naxal Affected Districts

(a) the number and names of naxal affected districts in the country, State-wise;

(b) whether the Government is running any programme/scheme to give impetus to development works related to infrastructure in the naxal affected districts;

(c) if so, the details thereof;

(d) whether some Centrally sponsored schemes have been shut down in the Left Wing Extremism Affected Districts and some districts of Madhya Pradesh; and

(e) if so, the names of the schemes that have been shut down along with the reasons therefor?

Answer given by the minister

(a): Steadfast implementation of the Action Plan-2015 has resulted in consistent decline in LWE related violence and considerable shrinkage in geographical spread. In 2018 LWE related violence was reported in 60 districts in the year 2018 with 10 districts accounting for 2/3rd

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violence (Annexure). However to assist the States to combat LWE, support is being given to 90 districts under Security Related Expenditure (SRE) scheme.

(b) & (c): The Government is committed for holistic development of LWE affected areas at par with other areas of the country. Apart from flagship/developmental Schemes being implemented by the line Ministries/ Departments, some specific schemes are also being implemented in LWE affected areas. Details are as follows:

(i) Special Central Assistance (SCA) for providing public infrastructure and services of emergent nature in the most LWE affected districts. This Scheme is for 3 years i.e. from 2017-18 to 2019-20 with an outlay of Rs. 3000 crore.
(ii) Road Requirement Plan-I (RRP-I): Being implemented by MoRTH for improving road connectivity in 34 LWE affected districts of 9 States. The Scheme envisages construction of 5,422 km roads, of which 4,809 km roads have been completed.

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(iii) Road Connectivity Project for LWE affected Areas (RCPLWEA): Being implemented by the MoRD as (RRP-II) for improving road connectivity in 44 LWE affected districts of 10 States. The Scheme envisages construction of 5412 km roads. Sanctioned has been conveyed to State for 4574 km. Of which 644 km have been completed.

(iv) Skill Development in LWE affected districts: Being implemented by the MoSDE in 47 LWE affected districts of 10 States. The Scheme envisages construction of 01 ITI in each of 47 districts and 02 Skill Development Centres (SDCs) in each of 34 districts. So far 22 ITIs and 55 SDCs have been completed.

(v) Education Initiatives: DoSEL has sanctioned 7 New Kendriya Vidyalayas and 6 new Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas in the most LWE affected districts, which did not have any KVs/JNVs. Under RMSA, 1590 new/upgraded Schools and 349 girl’s hostels have been sanctioned in most LWE affected districts.

(vi) Installation of Mobile Towers in the LWE affected districts: Being implemented by the Department of Telecom. 2335 mobile towers have

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been installed in Phase-I of the project and installation of 4072 mobile towers in 10 LWE affected States have been approved in Phase-II of the project.

(vii) Financial Inclusion: 627 new bank branches & 947 ATMs have been opened in 30 most LWE affected Districts in last 4 years between 01.04.2015 and 31.03.2019. In addition 1759 Branch Post Offices have been opened since 01.04.2017 in core LWE affected districts.

(d): No sir

(e): Question does not arise.


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