(a) and (b): There has been an increase of 1.64% in flow of tourists to the State of
Jammu & Kashmir during the year 1999 as compared to the year 1998. Total number of
tourists who visited Jammu & Kashmir during 1999-2000 are 4822966.
(c): The development of tourism in any state is primarily the responsibility of the State
Govts./UT Administration. Central Ministry of Tourism, however, provides central
financial assistance to them for specific proposals prioritised in consultation with them
every year. During the year 1999-2000, 17 projects for an amount of Rs. 318.21 lakhs
were sanctioned to the State Govt. of Jammu & Kashmir for the implementation of
various tourism projects including renovation/upgradation of tourist complex,
construction of cafeteria and purchase of ice hockey equipment etc.