Question : Power Purchase Agreements

(a) whether there are standardised power purchase agreements that the Government has entered into with the solar power companies;
(b) if so, the number of such agreements that have been entered, State-wise including Delhi;
(c) whether any breaches have occurred with respect to any of the agreements so far and if so, the details thereof and if not, the measures taken to ensure the compliance; and
(d) whether the Government is taking any further steps to attract better private players to enter into these agreements and if so, the details thereof?

Answer given by the minister


(a) & (b) The Government does not enter into Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) with Solar Power companies directly. The Central Public Sector Undertakings e.g. Solar Energy Corporation of India (SECI) and National Thermal Power Corporation (NTPC) enter into Power Purchase Agreements with solar power developers. In addition, Distribution Companies (DISCOMS) of different States enter into PPAs. The Ministry of New & Renewable Energy has devised a model Power Purchase Agreement, which a procuring agency may adopt or modify as per their specific requirements. The State/UT-wise details of no. of projects wherein PPAs have been signed by SECI and NTPC are given in Annexure.

(c) SECI and NTPC have reported that there is no breach of PPA.

(d) Solar power developers are selected on the basis of transparent bidding process after taking into account the technical and financial strengths of developers specified in Request for Selection (RfS).

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