(a)&(b): The Ministry, under Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) receives complaints of irregularities including diversion of funds, embezzlement of funds, less/non-payment of wages, lack of transparency etc. in many State/UTs including Jharkhand. Since the responsibility of implementation of MGNREGA is vested with the State Governments, all complaints received in the Ministry are forwarded to the concerned State Governments for taking appropriate action including investigation, as per law. Detailed instructions by way of Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for dealing with complaints have also been issued to all States/UTs. The year-wise data of the complaints is not being maintained by the Ministry. The cumulative pendency of the grievances are monitored at the Ministry level. Details of complaints in State/UTs including Jharkhand is at Annexure-I.
(c): As per the Programme Management Information System (MIS), details of delayed payment to MGNREGA workers for last three years andthe current year are given at Annexure-II. The wages under MGNREGA are paid on a piece rate basis and not on attendance basis. The declared wage rate is used to fix the unit rates for each type of work.
In order to ensure timely payment wages, Rules have been issued for timely payment of wages. All cases of delayed payment attract compensation @ 0.05% per day of delay, which is automatically calculated and paid by the State Government. The Ministry has also initiated Electronic Fund Management System (e-FMS) which directly credits wages to the respective beneficiary accounts using the core banking system.
(d): Major steps taken by the Government to improve the programme implementation under MGNREGA is given at Annexure-III.
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