Question : Prime Minister’s Employment Generation Programme

(a) the features of the Prime Minister’s Employment Generation Programme (PMEGP);

(b) the details of the funds sanctioned, allocated and utilized under this programme during the last three years and the current year within the country;

(c) the details of the target set and achievements made so far within the country;

(d) whether the Government is planning for establishment of 80,000 Micro Enterprises under this programme within the country;

(e) if so, the details thereof, State-wise along with the number of Micro Enterprises likely to be set up in Tamil Nadu, Assam, Rajasthan and the funds allocated for the purpose; and

(f) the time by which these are likely to be established?

Answer given by the minister


(a): Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) is implementing Prime Minister’s Employment Generation Programme (PMEGP), which is a major credit-linked subsidy programme aimed at generating self-employment opportunities through establishment of micro-enterprises in the non-farm sector by helping traditional artisans and unemployed youth.

The scheme is being implemented by Khadi and Village Industries Commission (KVIC), State Khadi and Village Industries Board (KVIB) and District Industries centres (DIC). Under the scheme, loan is being provided by all Public Sector Banks, selected Private Sector Banks and Co-operative Banks with margin money subsidy being given by Ministry of MSME through KVIC.

Any individual above 18 years of age is eligible for applying under the scheme. General category beneficiaries can avail margin money subsidy of 25 % of the project cost in rural areas and 15% in urban areas. Beneficiaries belonging to Special Categories such as Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe/OBC /Minorities/Women, Ex-serviceman, Physically handicapped, NER, Hill and Border areas etc. can avail margin money subsidy of 35% in rural areas and 25% in urban areas. The maximum cost of projects can be Rs. 25 lakh in the manufacturing sector and Rs. 10 lakh in the service sector. Benefit can be availed under PMEGP for setting up of new units only.

Further, Ministry of MSME has also introduced a new component of second financial assistance for expansion/upgrading the existing PMEGP/MUDRA units for manufacturing unit up to Rs.1.00 cr. and for service/ trading unit up to Rs.25.00 lakhs with subsidy of 15% (20% for NER and Hilly state) from the year 2018-19.

(b): The details of Margin Money subsidy funds allocated and disbursed under this programme during the last three years and the current year (up to 15.03.2020) in the country is given below:

Year Margin Money Subsidy Allocated (Rs. in crore) Margin Money Subsidy disbursed
(Rs. in crore)
2016-17 1082.90 1280.94
2017-18 1170.00 1312.40
2018-19 2068.80 2070.00
(up to 15.03.2020) 2396.44

(c) & (d): A target for assisting 79236 beneficiaries to establish their micro enterprises under PMEGP has been fixed during the year 2019-20, of which 54361 beneficiaries have already been assisted up to 15.03.2020.

(e) & (f): State-wise number of micro enterprises likely to be set up during 2019 - 20 including Tamil Nadu, Assam and Rajasthan is given at Annexure-I.

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