(a) whether attention of the Government has been drawn to a new low-carbons energy policy as recently unveiled by the European Union, with increased energy efficiency, lower emissions and more renewable power, heralding a post-industrial revolution, especially in the context of global warming;

(b) if so, whether the Government has reviewed its energy policy in the context of global warming and the developments in the European Union and western countries, shifting emphasis to lower carbon economy; and

(c) if so, the decision taken in the matter?

Answer given by the minister


(a) to (c) : Yes, Sir. The European Union is bound by the Kyoto Protocol to fulfil its commitments and these efforts are in that direction.

India is a signatory to the United Framework for the Climate Change (UNFCC). This Convention recognizes that economic and social developments and poverty eradication are the first and overriding priorities of the developing country parties. The Convention sets-forth principles for addressing climate change by global efforts in particular, that of common but differentiated responsibilities of the countries, according to their capabilities. Industrialized countries which are listed in Annex-I of the Convention have undertaken commitment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions as per targets indicated therein. India is a non- Annex-I country and has not undertaken any commitment.

India is using modern technologies which have higher efficiency and are cost effective. In the Ultra Mega Power Projects being implemented by Ministry of Power, use of supercritical technology for power generation has been laid down as one of the necessary conditions. This technology has higher efficiency and thus results in less use of coal per unit of electricity generated. Energy efficiency measures are also being promoted by Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE), the statutory authority under the Energy Conservation Act, 2001, in consumption of electricity.

Our National Electricity Policy emphasizes the development of full feasible hydro potential which is a source of clean & renewable energy.

Energy efficiency and renewable energy have been identified as two of the high priority areas in the integrated Energy Policy of India.