Question : Cooperation with Sweden

Will the Minister of URBAN DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state:

(a) whether some of the urban development projects are being implemented in cooperation with Sweden;

(b) if so, the details thereof, State-wise;

(c) whether a Swedish Business delegation met the Minister recently;

(d) if so, the details thereof and the issues discussed with the delegation;

(e) whether both the countries have agreed to enhance the cooperation in urban sector; and

(f) if so, the details thereof and sectors decided for cooperation by both the countries and the progress made so far in this regard?

Answer given by the minister


(a) & (b): Yes Madam. The details of these projects are as under:

• Delhi Metro – Bombardier Transportation Sweden AB, Ostra Ringvagen 2, Vasteras, SE-721073 Sweden- Consortium member in
• the contract to implement design, manufacture, supply, install and commission Train Control; & Signaling System for extensions of line -5 and line-6 of Phase-III of Delhi Metro.

• Bangalore Metro - GPS Master and slave clock systems are being sourced from Westerstand Company, Sweden.

(c) & (d) :Yes Madam. A Swedish delegation led by Mr. Mikael Damberg, Minister for Enterprise and Innovation met Minister of Urban Development on 9th November, 2016. The issues related to transport system, waste to energy conversion, building societies and water management have been discussed. Swedish Minister requested for facilitation in the area of special planning tools, buying land for companies in metros and simplification/streamlining of the bidding system.

(e) & (f) :Yes Madam. Smart Cities would be priority investment area for Sweden and big investments in transport sector, waste to energy conversion and water management have been envisaged. Indian side stressed that cooperation in the Smart Cities could be in the form of Public–private partnership (PPP) and investment in Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV). Swedish companies could invest in public transport, in bringing about smarter living.


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