(a) Information available on exports of herbs and herbal medicines during the last three years, on
export of herbs and herbal medicines is given below (Details for the current year not available) :-
India/s Export of Ayush, Medicinial herbs and their value added products (values in USD million)
Sr.No. Commodity 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13
1. Ayush 156.96 182.18 163.44
2 Medicinal herbs and 141.63 176.12 232.14 their value added products Total 298.59 358.30 395.58
Information available for exports to top destinations country-wise is given below:
Sr.No Country Category 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13
1 USA Herbals 52.69 70.38 107.75 Ayush 23.29 12.78 28.35
2 Japan Herbals 7.19 8.43 12.96 Ayush 5.66 18.81 16.68
3 Pakistan Herbals 13.99 18.02 19.93 Ayush 1.06 1.83 1.77
4 UAE Herbals 1.16 1.72 1.36 Ayush 11.1 17.35 15.56
5 Germany Herbals 9.22 11.1 15.29 Ayush 0.85 1.62 1.06
6 Russia Herbals 0.11 0.11 0.12 Ayush 30.14 38.52 14.64
7 Nepal Herbals 0.83 0.92 0.6 Ayush 7.97 9.43 9.91
8 Australia Herbals 2.42 3.42 3.66 Ayush 2.89 4.37 6.64
9 Bangladesh Herbals 5.34 5.42 6.96 Ayush 0.17 0.51 0.37
10 Vietnam Herbals 4.38 3.74 6.61 Ayush 0.79 0.87 0.5 World total Herbals 141.67 176.25 232.14 Ayush 156.99 182.23 163.44
(b): Indiaâs share in the total global exports of AYUSH products including medicinal herbs and their value
added products is growing. As per the basket of AYUSH products including medicinal herbs and their value
added products, India exports for the year 2012-13 was about USD 395.58 million, vis-Ã -vis USD million
358.30 with a growth rate of 10.40% over the previous year.
(c) The demand for Indian herbs and herbal medicines is growing in the European and other developed countries.
Indiaâs exports of herbs and herbal medicines to the European Union for the year 2012-13 was USD million
38.52, vis-Ã -vis USD million 34.11. in 2011-12, a growth of 11%.
(d):Some of the measures taken by the Government for encouraging exports from India are:
# Awarding of AYUSH Marks for Quality Certification and recognition for AYUSH products in international markets.
# Voluntary certification of quality of Ayurveda, Siddha, Unani (ASU) products through Quality Council of India.
# Supporting the industry members to participate in various events related to promotion of AYUSH products,
medicinal herbs and their value added product exports, including traditional medicine exhibitions such as Vita
foods at Geneva and Supply Side West at USA.
# Supporting the industry to organize Reverse Buyer Seller Meet focused to herbals and AYUSH products.
# To enlarge and diversify export production and exports of identified medicinal plants and herbs through the
Export Promotion Council, SHEFEXIL.
(e): A special support scheme named Vishesh Krishi & Gramin Udyog Yojana has been introduced by
Government to encourage the trade to step up export development activities and exports of minor forest
produce including medicinal plants and herbs.
Another Scheme for promotion of International Cooperation in AYUSH has been formulated to promote
International market development and AYUSH promotion related activities. Under the scheme incentives to
drug manufacturers, entrepreneurs, AYUSH institutions etc. are being provided for international propagation of
AYUSH and registration of their products.