Question : Defence Co-operation between India and USA

(a) whether India and USA have signed defence cooperation in the matter of latest technology and defence equipments, if so, the details thereof;

(b) whether India and USA have also signed Basic Exchange and Cooperation Agreement to boost bilateral defence ties and if so, the areas where the agreement has focused;

(c) the details of high-end military technology and logistics shared between the two countries in the last one year and till date;

(d) whether the Industrial Security Annex signed between India and USA is successful in maintaining good relations between the countries and if so, the details thereof; and

(e) the details of the Indo-US Industrial Security Joint Working Group to be set up under the Industrial Security Annex?

Answer given by the minister


(a): India and United States have a robust defence cooperation which is wide ranging and institutionalized through a framework of dialogues, Joint activities and exercises etc.

There is no general bilateral agreement on latest technology and defence equipment. However, in 2017 India was notified as Major Defence Partner under the National Defence Authorisation Act of USA. In 2018, India was accorded the Strategic Trade Authorisation (STA) Tier – I status. India and US are also cooperating under the framework of DTTI (Defence Technology and Trade Initiative) for facilitating joint development of mutually agreed technology.

Defence Technology and Trade Initiative (DTTI) with USA was established to resolve issue in cooperation and alignment of systems; to ensure increasing flow of technology and investment; developing capabilities and partnership in co-development and co-production; and intensifying cooperation in research and development.

Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) under Ministry of Defence cooperates on Research and Development (R&D) projects with organizations under United States’ Department of Defence under the guidance of a US-India Joint Technical Group since 1995.

(b): Yes, Sir. It will facilitate sharing of Geo-spatial information and products.

(c): Mutual sharing of logistics such as fuel, lubricants etc. has been conducted under the provisions of LEMOA (Logistics Exchange Memorandum of Agreement), as per operational requirements.

(d): Yes, Sir. India and USA signed an Industrial Security Annexe on 18 December, 2019 for exchange of Classified Information between Indian and US defence industries.

US industry is associated with ‘Make in India’ program and may require transferring classified information for Co-development and Co-production of defence equipment in India. US companies are prohibited by US law from sharing the classified data in the absence of Industrial Security Annexe (ISA). ISA enables sharing of classified information between the defence industries of both the countries and protect such classified information through the implementation of equivalent policies and procedures.

(e): India and USA agreed in-principle to establish the Indo – US Industrial Security Joint Working Group. This group will align the policies and procedures expeditiously as per ISA to exchange the classified information by the defence industries for collaboration on cutting edge defence technologies.


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