Question : Production of Oilseeds

(a) whether there is an acute shortage in production of oilseeds in the country and the Government has to import a large quantity of edible oils, if so, the details thereof;

(b) the projected requirement of oilseeds in the country at present and its likely increase in the next five years;

(c) whether the Government has fixed any target to increase oilseed production in the country in next few years to meet the requirement and if so, the details therefor;

(d) whether the Government has received any proposal from any research institute to add more land for oilseeds crop and if so, the details thereof; and

(e) whether the Government proposes to consider this proposal and implement the same and if so, the details thereof?

Answer given by the minister


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(a): India produced 10.75 million tonnes of edible oils both from primary (oilseeds) and secondary sources during 2016-17, which comes to about 43 % of the total requirement (24.76 million tonnes) of edible oils.

The details of quantity of edible oils imported and its value during last three years (2015-16 to 2017-18) is given as under:



(Qty in million tonnes & Value in Rs. crores)
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
April-March (Apr.-Dec)
Qty Value Qty Value Qty Value
15.64 68676 14.01 73047 11.80 58143

(b) & (c): Government of India is implementing National Mission on Oilseeds and Oil Palm (NMOOP) since 2014-15. NMOOP aims to increase the production and productivity of oilseeds from an average production of 29.70 million tonnes and productivity of 1121 kg/ha during 12th plan period (2012-13 to 2016-17) to 36.10 million tonnes and 1290 kg/ha, respectively by the end of 2019-20. The oilseeds production and productivity targets fixed for three years is given below :-

Year Production
(million tonnes) Productivity
2017-18 35.55 1250
2018-19 35.75 1275
2019-20 36.10 1290

(d) & (e): During 2017-18, 516 KVKs of ICAR across the country are implementing cluster frontline demonstrations on various oilseeds crops under NMOOP to show-case latest varieties/hybrids and production technologies. Besides, seven R&D Projects by ICAR institutes and State Agricultural Universities are being supported for area expansion and enhancing production of oilseed crops.


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