Question : Demand of Steel and Metal

(a) whether the Government is aware that there would be a huge demand for the steel and metals in view of rapid urbanization in the country;

(b) if so, the details of the current production and growth of the steel sector;

(c) the details of the status of the production of steel and metals at present in the country; and

(d) whether the Government has taken any measures to further growth of the steel sector and if so, the details thereof?

Answer given by the minister


(a)&(b): The rapid urbanization is likely to increase demand of steel and metals in the country. The production of Finished Steel in year 2020-21 was 96.20 million tonnes (MT) as compared to production of 102.62 MT in year 2019-20. The details of production and demand of Finished Steel in last two years are as under:-

Quantity in million tonnes
Item 2019-20 2020-21
Production 102.62 96.20
Consumption 100.17 94.89
Source: Joint Plant Committee (JPC)

(c) Details of production of Finished Steel and Metals in 2019-20 and 2020-21 are given as follows:-
Quantity in million tonnes
Year Finished Steel
2019-20 102.62
2020-21 96.20
Source: Joint Plant Committee (JPC)
Quantity in lakh tonnes
Year Aluminium Refined Copper Zinc Lead
2019-20 36.56 4.08 6.88 1.81
2020-21 36.16 3.64 7.15 2.14
Source: Ministry of Mines


-: 2 :-

(d) The Government has taken following measures for the growth of steel sector in the country:-

i. Notification of the following policies:-

a. National Steel Policy 2017 which envisages inter-alia domestically meeting the entire demand of steel and high-grade automotive steel, electrical steel, special steel and alloys for strategic applications.
b. Domestically Manufactured Iron & Steel Products (DMI&SP) Policy for promoting procurement of Made in India steel.
c. Steel Scrap Recycling Policy to enhance the availability of domestically generated scrap.
d. Steel Import Monitoring System (SIMS) for advanced registration of steel imports.
e. Production-Linked Incentive (PLI) Scheme for Specialty Steel with an outlay of ? 6,322 Crore.

ii. Issuance of Steel Quality Control Order to stop manufacturing and import of non-standardized steel.
iii. Engagement with steel producers including industry associations and leaders of domestic steel industry to address their issues by the concerned Ministries/Departments of the Central Government and State Governments.
iv. Engagement with potential users, including from Railways, Defence, Petroleum and Natural Gas, Housing, Civil Aviation, Road Transport and Highways, Agriculture and Rural Development sectors to enhance the steel usage and overall demand for steel in the country.
v. Establishment of Project Development Cell in the Ministry to attract and facilitate investment in the steel sector.


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