Question : Review of MGNREGS

(a) whether Mahatma Gandhi NationalRural Employment Guarantee Scheme(MGNREGS) is a social security safeguard and not an alternative employment avenue, if so, the details thereof along with the reaction of the Government thereto;

(b) whether the Government has ordered a nationwide review of the MGNREGS programme to see if it meets the objective of generating jobs and creating durable assets, if so, the details and the outcome thereof and the reasons therefor;

(c) whether the Government has deputed officials to all States for this purpose, if so, the time by which the firs tphase of the exercise is likely to be completed;

(d) whether the State Governments are likely to be held accountable for putting in place checks and balances for timely measurement of work, closure of payments and creation of a system of technical supervision and if so, the details thereof;and

(e) the other corrective steps taken/being taken by the Government to check corruption and stop pilferage in MGNREGS?

Answer given by the minister


(a): Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) is a demand-driven wage employment programme. Not less than 100 days of employment are provided to registered workers upon receipt of their demand. The number of days of employment provided to a household depends on the number of days of employment demanded by the household. MGNREGA provides a supplementary means of livelihood for the rural people, primarily during their lean periods and is not a substitute for all other employment opportunities. Members of the household are free to avail other available employment opportunities in addition to the 100 days of guaranteed wage employment per household provided on demand under the Act.

(b)to(d): The Ministry has established a comprehensive system of monitoring and review mechanism for MGNREGA. The matter is regularly reviewed in the Performance Review Committee meetings, Video conferences and Regional Review meetings. State specific reviews are also undertaken from time to time. Officers of the Ministry and National Level Monitors also visit various districts to oversee the performance of MGNREGA. During these reviews, the implementation aspects that need strengthening are identified including the areas for improvement in the quality of assets. The major steps taken by the Government to improve the programme implementation under MGNREGA are given in the Annexure.

(e): There are following provisions in MGNREGS to check corruption and stop pilferage in MGNREGS:-

(i) National Level Monitors: If a complaint is prime facie substantiated by documentary evidence, third party institutional NLMs are deputed to enquire into the allegations & issues raised in the NLM report are resolved through State Government.

(ii) Grievance Redressal Mechanism: The Act provides for establishment of Ombudsman at district level for expeditious redressal of grievances on the implementation of MGNREGS in the States/UTs. The Ombudsman can take suo moto cognizance of irregularities in the Scheme.

(iii) State Quality Monitor (SQM): Guidelines provide for deployment of retired Chief/Executive Engineers for quality inspection of works implemented under the Scheme. SQM can make use of random sampling or stratified sampling in selecting the sample for quality inspection.

(iv) Social Audit: The Ministry is funding the deployment of Staff in Social Audit Units upto District level to strengthen the Social Audit.


Annexure referred to in reply to parts (b) to (d) of Lok Sabha unstarred Question No. 901 dated 03.12.2015

Major steps taken by the Government to improve the programme implementation under MGNREGA
Better planning and asset identification

• An Intensive Participatory Planning Exercise (IPPE) /Mission Antyodayahas been launched in 2569 most backward blocks. This exercise has helped in identifying the kind of assets that need to be created.

• For improving convergence with the line departments, and thereby to improve the quality of assets, the State Convergence Plans have been formulated.

Improving the quality of works

• The associated outcomes of each work are being recorded before taking up the work, and the same is being measured after completion of the work-thereby bringing in more focus on outcomes.

• Ministry would conduct training of Technical Resource Persons from the States/UTs on different technical aspects of works which can be taken up under the scheme.

• The States/UTs have been asked to deploy State Quality Monitors to inspect the quality of assets created under the Scheme.

• States have been advised to engage technical assistants/barefoot engineers for better technical planning and supervision of works under MGNREGA.

• Mobile Monitoring Systems have been introduced in 35000 GPs for better implementation of the Scheme.
Better transparency, accountability and grievance redressal

• States/UTs have been asked to strengthen Social audits of MGNREGS works in accordance with the provisions of the Audit of Schemes Rules 2011 issued in consultation with the Comptroller and Auditor General of India. In order to support the States to conduct the Social Audits as laid down under the Rules, it has been decided to provide technical assistance of Rs.147 crore under a special Project.

• All States have been requested to set up an independent Social Audit Unit (SAU) and appoint Ombudsman at the district level for grievance redressal.

• The Ministry has established a comprehensive system of monitoring and review mechanism for MGNREGA, which, inter alia, include visits of the Officers of the Ministry and National Level Monitors.

• With a view to avoid bogus attendance and to check instances of tempering and misuse of muster rolls, the e-Muster system has been introduced.

Fund management and avoiding delays in payment

• The Ministry has initiated Electronic Fund Management System (e-FMS) which directly credits the wages into the respective beneficiary’s accounts using the core banking system. States have been asked to universalise the operationalisation of electronic Fund Management System to ensure smooth flow of funds from the State to the wage seekers and to eliminate delays in payment of wages.

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