Question : Stress Among Students

(a) whether the school children between the ages of 11-17 years are suffering from high
stress and that lead to psychological problems;
(b) if so, whether the Government has carried out any study or received any survey report
on the issue;
(c) if so, the details therein; and
(d) the details of the action plan/ proposal to make the school and teaching process student- friendly?

Answer given by the minister


(a) to (c): Yes, Sir. The National Mental Health Survey was carried out in 2015-16 over 12
States of India under the overall supervision of Ministry of Health and Family Welfare and
implementation done by National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences
(NIMHANS), Bengaluru. In total 34802 adults and 1191 adolescents drawn from 12 states
were interviewed. Prevalence of mental disorders in age group 13-17 years was found to be
7.3% and nearly equal in both genders. Prevalence of mental disorders was nearly twice
(13.5%) as much in urban metros as compared to rural (6.9%) areas.
(d): Education is a subject in the concurrent list of the Constitution and majority of the
schools are under the control of the respective State Governments. Under the Integrated
scheme for School Education - Samagra Shiksha, effective from the year 2018-19, there is a
provision for supporting States and UTs on interventions related to Guidance and Counselling
in schools. Funds are proposed to be provided to the States/UTs, in the current financial year
2019-20 in order to encourage teachers to function as the first level counsellors in schools.
Also, State-specific projects are funded to address the issues of adolescent children.
Various steps have been taken by the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE)
to make the teaching process student friendly which are as under:-
? Guidelines have been issued to transact curriculum in a student centric manner with
promotion of active learning through focus on reflections and creating and
constructing knowledge. Teachers have been advised to follow inclusive principles
and not label children as ‘slow learners’ or ‘bright students’, or ‘problem children’.
? CBSE has introduced Experiential Learning from 2019-20 session onwards.
Accordingly, the schools plan the curricular activities in such a way which enable
students to connect the content of their learning areas and subjects with their own
lives and the world around them.
? The learning outcomes developed by NCERT help the teachers to direct their
teaching-learning in the desired manner and make other stakeholders responsible and
alert towards their role for ensuring quality education.
? In order to promote life skills and value education, CBSE has integrated Health and
Physical education with academics. Every school provides for one period per day for
sports which leads to better stress management for children and also creates a better
environment for learning.
In line with the National Curriculum Framework (NCF), 2005, NCERT has developed
textbooks that cover the aspects of stress, anxiety and other related problems in schools. The
Psychology textbook of class XI addresses peace concerns in its chapter on ‘Motivation and
Emotions’. The concerns for health and well-being have been taken up in the Psychology
textbook of class XII in chapter 3 on ‘Meeting Life Challenges’, which tries to equip the
student with aspects and causes of stress and the development of positive health. NCERT
through its Adolescence Education Programme tries to inculcate life skills in the
students who are at this crucial stage of their lives.
NCF, 2005 advocates facilitating healthy growth and development of students across
all school stages and scope for guidance/counselling at each of these school stages from
elementary through secondary and higher secondary stages. NCF has also articulated the
concern to provide guidance and counselling in schools to deal with stress related problems
and to guide students, parents and teachers to lessen the students’ stress. It particularly
emphasises the need to provide guidance and counselling by trained professionals to create
the support system for meeting academic and social pressures.

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