(a) and (b) The Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) has informed that they have established a network of
monitoring stations to monitor the water quality of aquatic resources under the provisions of The Water
(Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 in collaboration with SPCBs/PCCs. The present monitoring
network consists of 2500 stations in 28 States and 6 Union Territories spread over the country. The CPCB
does not monitor the quality of drinking water supplied to households.
With regard to the drinking water situations, as per data entered by the States on the online Integrated
Monitoring Information System of this Ministry, as on 1.4.2013, out of the 16,92,251 rural habitations in the
country, 11,61,018 are Fully Covered (with supply of not less than 40 litres per capita per day), 4,48,439 are
Partially covered and 82,794 are quality affected. In the Xllth Five Year Plan period, the Ministry is now focusing
at providing drinking water supply coverage at a norm of 551pcd to rural habitations. The coverage status at a
norm 55 Ipcd is that 6,57,693 habitations are Fully covered, 9,51,764 are Partially covered while
82,794 are quality affected.
(c) The actions taken by the Government include:
i. Through the National Rural Drinking Water Programme (NRDWP), provisions are made for the supply
of adequate safe drinking water. In addition to setting up drinking water supply schemes, water treatment
plants and water quality testing laboratories, sustainability of drinking water sources is also promoted.
Priority is also given to the coverage of Partially Covered and Quality affected habitation with drinking
water supply.
ii. Support is provided to State Governments under various river action plans for interception, diversion and
treatment so that untreated sewage does not flow to the rivers.
iii. On-site water treatment facilities are also provided to areas water quality problems with respect to
Fluoride, Nitrate, Arsenic, Iron and Salinity.