(a) whether the Government have recently received any proposal from the Government of Rajasthan regarding family planning and rural health schemes;

(b) if so, the details thereof;

(c) whether any of these proposals are for foreign assistance; and

(d) if so, the details thereof?

Answer given by the minister


(a) and (b) The Government of Rajasthan presented its Annual Action Plan (2002-03) for funding from Government of India during the Third Business Session of EAG held on 29.8.2002. An administrative approval has been accorded for ongoing and new schemes, amounting to Rs.4038.96 lakhs, by the Department of Family Welfare, on 24th October 2002. The Scheme-wise details of amount recommended for Rajasthan is at Annexure-I.

(c) & (d) Although none of the proposals in the Action Plan (2002-03) referred to above, aimed at seeking foreign assistance, it has been decided that some of the Schemes will be financed from European Commission assisted Sector Investment Programme, for an amount of Rs.1713.28 lakhs. The schemes to be financed under SIP are at Statement II of Annexure-I.

Besides, a project proposal has been received from the State Government, covering 6 districts of Rajasthan under the IPD Project (2003-07), to be funded by UNFPA, at a total cost of US $ 10.5 million. The same is under consideration in the Department of Family Welfare.
No. G.20011/2/2002-EAG
Government of India
Ministry of Health & Family Welfare
Department of Family Welfare
EAG Bureau
Nirman Bhavan, New Delhi
Dated the 24th October 2002
Subject: FW Programme – Administrative sanction of funds to EAG States (U.P., M.P., Bihar, Jharkhand, Uttaranchal, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and Orissa) for the Annual Action Plan 2002-03 – reg.

Administrative Sanction is accorded in respect of programmes/schemes as per enclosed list, which are a part of the State Action Plans that were approved by the EAG at the 3rd Business Session chaired by Union Minister for Health & Family Welfare on 29.8.2002. All these schemes and programmes are ongoing and have the approval of the competent authority.

All Programme Officers are requested to take appropriate action to obtain approval from IFD for release of funds for these items subject to the funds already available with the States, submission of utilization certificates upto the year 2000-01 and SOE 2001-02 and detailed Action Plan, wherever required.

Statement-II is the list of schemes that are to be financed out the SIP funds, for which the Programme Officers are requested to initiate action for obtaining the approval of the SRC/PMB for release of funds.

All Programme Officers are requested to mark a copy of the release orders to the EAG Bureau.

This has the approval of Secretary (FW) and Secretary (Expenditure), Ministry of Finance, vide Diary Nos. F.2205/S (FW)/02 dated 18.10.2002 and F.9619/SE/02 dated 23.10.2002 respectively.
DS (Policy)

The Secretaries (FW) of EAG States
Copy to:


PPS to Secretary (FW)


All Programme Officers


(Rs. in lakhs)
Sl. No. Name of Scheme Amt. Amt. Remarks with to be State released
1 Additional ANMs 19.44 457.76 5000 x 6 months for 1193 Addl. ANMs in tribal and desert districts
2 PHNs 52.85 85.99 267 at CHC level @ Rs.6500
3 Lab. Technicians 9.63 21.09 @ 2 per district for 32 distt X Rs.6000 for 8 months
4 PPI 0.00 365.97
5 Home Delivery Care 5.24 184.76 Scheme extended to 32 districts at the rate (Dais Training) of 1900 per dai x 10000 dais
6 Promoting Institutional 280.30 0.00 20000 night deliveries for 6 months Deliveries (24 Hour Delivery) 7 Referral Transport 67.57 14.00 Extended from 18 to 32 districts @ Rsl/distt for 14 distt.
8 Out reach Services 63.36 87.14 Extended from 12 districts to 32 districts
9 RCH Camps 125.85 116.15 RCH camps at Rs. 12 lcs per district
10 MIS 100.00
11 Urban Slum Projects 0.00 20.00 For project formulation (Urban Health) 12 Information, Education 184.72 315.28 and Communication
II Area Projects
1 District Projects /RCH 0.00 400.00 Sub-Project 2 Area Projects (IPP Projects) 100.00
III National Maternity 50.30 57.54 Benefit Scheme
TOTAL 859.26 2325.68

(Rs. in lakhs)
Sl. No. Name of Scheme Amt. Amt. Remarks with to be State released
EC Assisted SIP Project
1 Construction & Repair of Sub-Centres 0.00 500.00 500 SC buildings @ Rs. 1 lac 1st Instalment of 20% cost
2 Strenthening of Basic Training Schools 0.00 30.00 Strengthening of 3 ANMTCs
3 Strengthening of CHC/PHC 660.00 300.00 Complete incomp. Buildings of 55 PHCs & 14 CHCs
4 Strengthening of Jan Mangal Programme 0.00 380.00
5 Supply of Mopeds to ANMs 90.00 Subject to submission of Ucs for funds released earlier
6 SAP/DAP 120.00 107.28
7 Repair of Laparascopes 0.00 146.00 Maintenance and repair of 828 laparoscopes
8 Operationalising FRUs for Emergency Obs. & NN Care 0.00 160.00 Blood storage unit at FRUs

TOTAL 780.00 1713.28