Question : Support to Andhra Pradesh for Augmenting Tourism

(a) the total number of tourist arrivals in India in the year 2020;
(b) the State/UT-wise and Country-wise details thereof;
(c) the measures taken by the Government to promote tourism in the country; and
(d) whether the Government intends to provide support to the State Government of Andhra Pradesh for augmenting tourism in the State and if so, the details thereof and if not, the reasons therefor?

Answer given by the minister


(a): The number of Foreign Tourists Arrivals(FTA) in India during 2020 were 2.68 Million(Provisional).

(b): Ministry of Tourism does not maintained data on State/UT wise Foreign Tourists Arrivals. Further, due to non-receipt of data on country wise FTA in India during 2020 from Bureau of Immigration, country wise details of FTA during 2020 is not yet compiled.

(c): Ministry of Tourism promotes India as a holistic destination and as a part of its on-going activities, annually releases domestic and international print, electronic and online media campaigns under the ‘Incredible India’ brand-line, to promote various tourism destinations and products in the different States/UTs.

The Ministry of Tourism has launched the Dekho Apna Desh initiative in January 2020 with the objective of creating awareness among the citizens about the rich heritage and culture of the country and to promote domestic tourism. This initiative is in line with the 15th August 2019 address of the Honourable Prime Minister asking every citizen to visit at least 15 destinations by the year 2022.

Under this initiative Ministry is carrying out promotional activities like webinars, online pledge and Quiz programmes to generate awareness among the public about the country and its tourism destinations/products. Dekho Apna Desh initiative is being promoted extensively on social media accounts and website of the Ministry and by Domestic India Tourism offices.

(d): Development of tourist spots and improvement of infrastructure quality, is primarily the responsibility of the concerned State/UTs. However, Ministry of Tourism under its schemes of Swadesh Darshan, PRASHAD and Assistance to Central Agencies provides central financial assistance to State Governments/Union Territories/Central Agencies including to the State Government of Andhra Pradesh for development of tourism related infrastructure and facilities to provide an enriching tourism experience to visitors which would augmenting tourism. The projects that are sanctioned under the schemes are subject to availability of funds, submission of suitable Detailed Project Reports, adherence to scheme guidelines and utilization of funds released earlier.

Further, Ministry of Tourism under Domestic Promotion and Publicity including Hospitality (DPPH) scheme provides financial assistance to States/UTs for organizing fairs & festivals and tourism related events such as seminars, conclaves, conventions etc. for the promotion of tourism. The Details of the projects sanctioned under various schemes of Ministry of Tourism in Andhra Pradesh are given at Annexure.


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