(a) the average number of days ofemployment provided to workers underMahatma Gandhi National RuralEmployment Guarantee Scheme(MGNREGS) during each of the last three years and the current year, State/UT-wise;

(b) whether the average number ofemployment has been less than 50 as againstthe 100 guaranteed under MGNREGS;

(c) whether the Government hasanalysed the reasons for such dismalprogress of the Scheme;

(d) if so, the details thereof; and

(e) the steps taken by the Governmentto create demand of employment andspreading awareness under MGNREGS?

Answer given by the minister


(a) to (d): The State/UT-wise details of average days of employment provided per household under Mahatma Gandhi National RuralEmployment Guarantee Act(MGNREGA) during each of the last three years and the current year are at Annexure. MGNREGA is a demand driven programme and the demand for work itself is influenced by various factors such as rainfall pattern, availability of alternative and remunerative employment opportunities outside MGNREGA and prevailing unskilled wage rates. Government remains actively engaged with State Governments in establishing the system that ensures provision of work as per demand.

(e): To generate awareness about the provisions of the scheme and to provide adequate employment opportunities to rural households under MGNREGA, the States/UTs have been requested for the following:

# Initiate appropriate IEC campaigns including wall paintings for wide dissemination of the provisions of the Act.

# Expand scope and coverage of demand registration system to ensure that demand for work under MGNREGA do not go unregistered.

# Organize ‘RozgarDiwas’ periodically to capture latent demand under the programme and to disseminate awareness about the provisions of the Act.

# Formulation of a specific plan to include special categories of vulnerable people viz. persons with disabilities, primitive tribal groups, nomadic tribal groups, de-notified tribes etc.

# Adoption of appropriate programme flexibility to ensure reaching of benefits of MGNREGA to the primitive tribal groups, de-notified tribes and nomadic tribes.

# Organisation of workers into labour groups to ensure powerful demand-side pulls for improving performance of MGNREGA.

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