(a) whether contractors are given a fixed deadline to complete road construction while awarding road construction tenders under Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY);

(b) if so, the details thereof;

(c) whether cases have come to the notice in various States particularly Madhya Pradesh where contractors have not completed the works in stipulated time;

(d) if so, the details thereof and the reasons therefor, case-wise and State-wise; and

(e) the action taken/proposed to be taken by the Government in this regard?

Answer given by the minister


(a)to (e): Rural Road is a State subject and PMGSY is a one time special intervention of Central Government to improve the Rural Infrastructure through construction of roads. The rural roads under PMGSY are constructed, maintained and owned by the respective State Governments. As such, the responsibility of timely completion of these roads and action for delay in completion of these lies with the State Governments. The programme guidelines provides for completion of the road projects within 9 working months from the date of issue of work order in plain areas which is extendable upto 12 calendar months in case work is affected due to monsoon or other seasonal factors. In respect of hilly States where the work is executed in two stages, this time period apply separately in respect of each stage. For stage I of works in the hilly States, the time limit is upto 18 calendar months and for Cross Drainage works, exceeding 25 meter length, the time limit is 18-24 months depending upon the site conditions.

A total of 12,271 road works have been sanctioned to Government of Madhya Pradesh upto March, 2010 out of which 8,258 road works have been completed and remaining are at different stages of construction. The executing agencies of the State Governments are expected to complete the road projects within time period stipulated in the programme guidelines. In case of delay, the relevant provisions of the Standard Bidding Document call for levying of liquidated damages and in case of persistent delay, the termination of contract. Any escalation in cost due to time overrun is to be borne by the State Government.