Question : Use of Steel in Construction of NHs

(a) whether it is a fact that the Government has issued order to use all type of steel produced from ore, billets, pellets or melting or scrap for construction of National Highways (NHs);
(b) if so, the details along with the objectives thereof;
(c) whether the Government has undertaken any study/tests before implementing the said order; and
(d) if so, the details and the outcome thereof?

Answer given by the minister

(a) & (b) Yes, sir. Ministry has allowed use of steel produced from ore/billets/pellet/melting of scrap in National Highways projects subject to conformance to relevant Bureau of Indian Standards and Indian Roads Congress specifications and guidelines. This has been done to allow steel manufactured from any raw material and through any route when the product conforms to relevant Bureau of Indian Standards and Indian Roads Congress specifications and guidelines.
(c) & (d) This Ministry has issued order based on clarification received from Ministry of Steel that routes of steel production and type of raw materials have no bearing on the quality as long as production is as per relevant standards. Before use of any steel the user agency through Authority’s Engineer is required to ensure through tests that said steel conforms to BIS Standards.

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