Question : Adulteration-Under-measurement of Petroleum Products

(a) whether the incidents of under-measurement by installing a chip in the dispensers and adulteration of petrol/diesel by various petrol pumps in the country have been reported/noticed by the Government during the last three years and the current year;
(b) if so, the details thereof and the number of complaints received against the petrol pumps/ involvement of persons of Oil Marketing Companies (OMCs) and the punitive action including cancellation of licenses taken against them, OMC/State/UT-wise including Uttar Pradesh;
(c) whether the Government has set up any special task force to stop such malpractices by petrol pump owners and if so, the details thereof along with punitive action taken by the Government in this regard;
(d) the number of cases still pending with the Government with regard to the cancellation of licence of petrol pumps, OMC/State/UT-wise;
(e) the steps taken by the Government to conduct regular drives/surprise checks and evolve a mechanism at national level to curb such malpractices and the action taken by the Government against the erring persons/dealers found involved therein, State/UT-wise; and
(f) the concrete action taken by the Government to stop such malpractices and cheating by petrol pump owners in future?

Answer given by the minister

(a) : The State/UT-wise details of suspected cases of under measurement by installing unauthorized chip in the dispensers and adulteration of petrol /diesel by various unscrupulous petrol pumps dealers of Public Sector Oil Marketing Companies (OMCs) namely; Indian Oil Corporation Limited (IOCL), Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited (BPCL) and Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited (HPCL) during the last three years and current year (April – December, 2017) are at Annexure – I.
(b) : State /UT /OMC wise details of complaints pertaining to short delivery / adulteration at OMC retail outlets received during the last three years and the current
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year (April-December, 2017) are at Annexure II.
As on 01.01.2018, OMCs have terminated 107 retail outlets on account of electronic chip manipulation in dispensing units.
Additionally, OMCs have also taken disciplinary action against the officials involved.
(c) & (d) : Special Task Force comprising of Officers of State Government and OMCs have conducted raids/surprise inspections in Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra and Odisha since 27th April, 2017.
As on 01.01.2018 OMCs have terminated 107 retail outlets on account of electronic chip manipulation in dispensing units consequent to the inspections conducted by Special Task Force.
Additionally, OMCs have also taken disciplinary action against the officials involved.
The number of terminated retail outlets and the number of cases where action is pending against the erring retail outlets are at Annexure III.
(e) : Regular / surprise inspections are carried out at the retail outlets by OMC Field Officers/ Sr. Officers / Multi Disciplinary Teams (MDT) throughout the country. Besides this, Special drives are also carried out by Senior Officers of the Corporation. Inspections are also carried out by mobile labs of Industry and anti-adulteration cell of the OMCs and also by the State Government authorities. OMCs take action against the erring RO dealers as per the provisions of Marketing Discipline Guidelines (MDG) and Dealership Agreement subsisting between RO dealer and OMC.
(f) : The concrete action taken to stop such malpractice is as follows:-
i. Systemic improvement
? New specifications incorporated for procurement of MPDs with tamper proof pulsars
? In addition, specification for upgradation of old pulsar units by self destructive pulsar units has been finalized for existing MPDs and Dual units
? OMCs are working with Legal Metrology department to bring in changes in the sealing methodology and design for sealing integrity in the DUs.
ii. Administrative measures
? Amendments in MDG as approved by the OMCs has been implemented with effect from 2.10.2017 with stringent penalty provisions in case of various irregularities like short delivery, unauthorized operation of automated retail outlet in manual mode etc.
iii. Concept of end to end Automation
? OMCs are formulating an end to end Automation Regime in Retail Marketing right from filling tank lorry at Terminal till Retail outlet operations.

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