Question : Internet and Mobile addiction

Will the Minister of Electronics and Information Technology be pleased to state:

(a) whether the Government is aware that usage of cell phones among children had increased during the pandemic, resulting in Internet addiction and if so, the details thereof comparatively pre and post pandemic;
(b) whether the Government aware that some States provided special counselling for children and students to reduce mobile phone usage and prevent Internet addiction;
(c) if so, the details thereof; and
(d) whether aforesaid centres would function at the department of paediatrics and if so, the details and present status thereof and if not, the details of the steps that would be taken in future?

Answer given by the minister

(a):The rapid expansion of mobile ecosystem and Internet in India has also seen emergence of many new categories of possible risks and challenges including that of associated user harms. This Ministry does not have any specific information on Internet addiction in children. However, National Commission for Protection of Child Rights has informed that a study was conducted on “Effects (Physical, Behavioral and Psycho-Social) of using Mobile Phones and other devices with internet accessibility by children”.

As per the study, 23.80 percent of children use smart phones while they are in bed, before going to sleep which increase with age and 37.15 percent of children, always or frequently, experience reduced levels of concentration due to smart phone use. The study is available on NCPCR’s link:

(b) to (d): No such information is available with this Ministry.


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