Question : Swachhta Doots under NMCG

(a) whether the Government is aware that National Mission for Clean Ganga (NMCG) has not achieved substantial results in cleaning of Ganga river till now, if so, the details thereof and the reasons therefor along with the funds sanctioned/ released/utilised under this Mission;
(b) the details of works initiated and completed for cleaning of Ganga river;
(c) whether a large amount of funds has been spent on beautification of river banks but actual cleaning of Ganga river has not been started, if so, the details thereof;
(d) whether the Government is planning to deploy Swachhta Doots in Ganga Basin States, if so, the details thereof; and
(e) the manner in which it is likely to be helpful in the NMCG?

Answer given by the minister

(a) & (b) Substantial results in cleaning of the river Ganga will be visible once the projects under execution/under plan are completed and commissioned. All on-going projects are scheduled to be completely by the year 2020.
Details of the funds sanctioned/released/utilized under Mission are as under:
allocated and spent so far on Cleaning of Ganga since inception of NMCG to 2016-17
(till 31.12.2016 )Rs.In crore
FY Funds BE RE Release by Govt. of India to NMCG Utilization by

2011-12 500.00 216.61 192.58 53.44
2012-13 512.50 193.50 191.52 135.25
2013-14 355.00 309.00 303.95 266.20
2014-15 2,137.00 2,053.00 326.00 170.99
2015-16 2,750.00 1,650.00 1,632.00 602.60
2016-17 2,500.00 1,675.00 1,675.00 734.70
Total 8,754.50 6,097.11 4,321.05 1,963.18
Contd. P2/-

86 sewerage infrastructure and pollution abatement projects at the cost of Rs 8558.65 Cr. have been sanctioned. Out of these 86 projects, 35 projects have been completed. Besides these, 179 Ghats and 116 crematoria at an Estimated Cost of Rs. 1130.91 Crore have been sanctioned in current financial year. State wise sanction of these projects are placed at Annexure – I.
Further, NMCG has sanctioned projects of River Surface Cleaning through Trash Skimmers for 11 cities.
(c) No Madam. No significant expenditure has been incurred on the beautification of river banks. However construction/renovation and certain ghats & crematoria and river front development have been taken up as part of entry level activities by National Mission for Clean Ganga.
(d) & (e) Public Participation and awareness is a vital component under Namami Gange programme. NMCG has approved a three year project on 16th January 2017 to Nehru Yuva Kendra Sangathan, Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports, in which it is envisaged that volunteers named as `Swachta Doots'' will be identified and their capacity will be developed. Their role would be to mobilize support of people from all walks of life pertaining to prevention of pollution of the river Ganga and generate awareness and educate target groups in towns and villages along Ganga.

Annexure referred to (a) & (b) in reply to Lok Sabha unstarred Question No.1280 due for reply on 09.02.2017.
Progress Status of NGRBA Projects in the Basin States (As on 31st December, 2016)
Sl. No. State / Organisation Total sanctioned costs in Rs. Cr. STP capacity to be created (in mld) Creation of capacity through rehabilitation of old STP (in mld) STP capacity created (in mld) Sewer network to be laid (in Km) Sewer network laid (Km) Release of fund Total No. of projects No. of Projects physically completed

1 Uttarakhand 287.16 71.30 22.90 116.91 74.73 100.05 20 7
2 Uttar Pradesh 2742.99 335.90 122.00 1701.47 684.32 1061.93 18 4
3 Bihar 2155.62 218.00 64.00 1243.43 140.00 202.01 14
4 Jharkhand 146.59 12.00 55.00 0.00 67.18 1
5 West Bengal 1352.51 92.53 17.00 838.05 209.00 682.82 30 24
Sub Total (Ganga) 6684.87 729.73 81.00 144.90 3954.86 1108.05 2113.99 83 35
6 Haryana 217.87 70.00 75.00 45.00 40.97 36.70 188.23 2
7 Delhi 1655.91 950.00 35.58 14.58 1
Sub Total (Yamuna) 1873.78 70.00 1025.00 45.00 76.55 36.70 202.81 3
Total - Infrastructure) 8558.65 799.73 1106.00 189.90 4031.41 1144.75 2316.80 86 35

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