Question : Development of Tourism in North East

(a) whether the Government has made any assessment of tourism potential of the North Eastern region for development of tourism therein and if so, the details thereof along with the details of the tourism sites proposed to be developed for attracting tourists both domestic and international and the response of the respective State Governments in this regard;
(b) whether Detailed Project Report (DPR) has been sought from the respective State Governments in this regard and if so, the details thereof;
(c) the funds allocated for the development of tourism in the North Eastern States during the last three years and the current year, State-wise;
(d) whether the Government has provided any financial assistance to any Tourism Institute or for any tourism programmes during the current year in Assam and if so, the details thereof; and
(e) whether the Government has any plan to organize fairs, festivals and exhibitions in the North-Eastern States during the next financial year to promote tourism and if so, the details thereof, along with the funds allocated for the purpose, State-wise including Assam?

Answer given by the minister


(a) to (c): Development of Tourism is primarily the responsibility of the respective State Governments. However, Ministry of Tourism provides Central Financial Assistance (CFA) for the proposals submitted by the State Governments including North Eastern States under its various scheme Guidelines subject to submission of Detailed Project Report (DPR), their adherence to Scheme Guidelines and availability of funds.

Based on the proposals and DPRs submitted by State Governments of North Eastern Region, funds have been sanctioned for development of tourism in the North Eastern States under the Swadesh Darshan and PRASHAD schemes. The details for the last three years and the current year are given at Annexure-I.

(d): The details of financial assistance provided to Assam in the current year for conducting training programme in Tourism and Hospitality are given at Annexure-II.

(e): Ministry of Tourism provides Central Financial Assistance under the relevant Scheme guidelines for the proposals submitted by the State Governments/Union Territories for organizing fairs/festivals/events. MOT does not allocate funds for fairs and festivals for the future financial years.


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