Question : Anti-India Activities in Foreign Countries

(a) Whether the Government has raised the issues with the Governments of Bangladesh and Bhutan regarding anti-India activities which are going on from their soil;

(b) If so, the details thereof and the progress made so far in this regard;

(c)  Whether India and Bangladesh have signed any agreement to take joint action against terrorism;

(d) If so, the details and salient features thereof; and

(e) the other measures being taken by the Government in this regard?

Answer given by the minister


(a) & (b) Bangladesh: There has been excellent coordination and cooperation between the security and border guarding forces of India and Bangladesh, particularly in taking action on the anti-India activities on its soil as well as in extradition cases and transfer of Indian prisoners under the Transfer of Sentenced Persons (TSP) agreement, including deportation of ULFA “General Secretary” Anup Chetia to India in November 2015. Apart from this, the issues related to security, crime, violent extremism, narcotics, fake currency etc. are regularly taken up with the Government of Bangladesh through various bilateral mechanisms that exist between both the countries, including at the level of Home Minister.

Bhutan: India has extensive engagement with Royal Government of Bhutan through regular exchange of high-level visits and bilateral mechanisms like Secretary-level Border Management and Security Meeting, Border District Coordination Meetings. All issues of relevance and importance, including security related issues like activities of the Indian Insurgent Groups (IIGs), measures to check smuggling etc, are discussed with Bhutan. Royal Government of Bhutan has assured that it would not allow any activities from its soil that would endanger peace and security of India and has extended full co-operation in this regard to Government of India.

(c) Yes. On 11 January 2010, India and Bangladesh signed a bilateral agreement on combating international terrorism, organized crime and illicit drug trafficking.

(d) The text of the above agreement between India and Bangladesh stipulates, inter alia, that:

(i) Both countries will cooperate in their joint fight against terrorism in all its forms and shall exchange information and intelligence on the activities of any terrorist groups and their associates including those providing front or cover to individuals or groups engaged in planning, promoting or executing acts of terrorism against the parties as well as those which may operate from or use territories of either country.

(ii) Identifying and exchanging information on sources of financing of terrorism which may be located in the territory of either country and take steps to seize and confiscate the sources of financing of terrorism.

(iii) Following coordinated approach in combating international terrorism.

(iv) Cooperation in preventing access to arms, explosives, and other prohibited substances for terrorist activities.

(v) Co-operation in intelligence sharing between the law enforcement agencies of the the two countries.

(vi) Providing mutual legal assistance in the investigation, prosecution and suppression of crime including crimes related to terrorism and

(vii) Exchange and share information about persons involved in narcotic drug trafficking, their modus operandi as well as other relevant details of such crimes.

(e) There are various bilateral mechanisms for discussion on security and border management related issues between the two countries including the Home Secretary Level Talks (HSLT), Director General Level Talks (DGLT) between the Border Security Force (BSF) and Border Guard Bangladesh (BGB); Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) of India and the Department of Narcotics Control (DNC) of Bangladesh, Joint Task Force on Fake Currency Notes (FCN) and Joint Working Group (JWG) on Security and Border Management. In addition, the bilateral Coordinated Border Management Plan (CBMP) signed in 2011 aims to synergize the efforts of both the border guarding forces for checking cross border illegal activities and crimes as well as for maintenance of peace and tranquility along the India-Bangladesh border. Both the countries discuss all security related issues in the above bilateral mechanisms.


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