Minister of State in the Ministry of CIVIL AVIATION ( SHRI K. C. VENUGOPAL )
(a) Yes, Madam. There is shortage of type rated Commanders (Type rated Pilots or
Pilot-in-Command) in the country due to growth in aviation industry and induction of new
aircrafts into the fleet of the airlines. However, sufficient number of co-pilots are
available and employed with the airlines.
(b) Yes Madam. Scheduled Airlines like M/s Air India, M/s Jet Airways , M/s Indigo
Airlines, M/s Spice Jet have requested for extension of employment of foreign pilots .
Government has allowed issue of Foreign Aircrew Temporary Authorisation (FATA) up to 31st
December, 2016.
(c)& (d) Yes, Madam. The details of the foreign pilots employed by various companies as
on 30.06.2013 are annexed. The number of foreign pilots is on the decrease in the recent
years as more and more co-pilots are upgraded to commanders . Total number of Foreign
Pilots employed by various aviation companies has come down from 340 last year to 262 at
(e) No such information is being maintained in the Ministry. .
(f) Indian co pilots who are inducted by Airlines and are eligible to become Pilot in
Command as per the policy of Airlines are trained by them to phase out foreign pilots. As
a follow up, the cases of Foreign Aircrew Temporary Authorization (FATA) pilots are
processed on the basis of information furnished by each Airline with phase out programme
of foreign pilots.