Question : Vocational Training Institutions

(a) the number of seats sanctioned in Vocational Training Institutes in Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra and Rajasthan;

(b) the details of funds allocated for the said Vocational Training Institutes along with the details of funds allocated for trainees and institutes respectively;

(c) whether the Government has not been allocating funds as per the requirements for the last three years;

(d) if so, the details thereof; and

(e) The details of funds allocated for Vocational Training Institutes in Uttar Pradesh, especially in the Parliamentary Constituency of Pratapgarh, along with States of Maharashtra and Rajasthan during the last three years?

Answer given by the minister

(a) Number of seats sanctioned in ITIs in Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra & Rajasthan as following:-
Sl. No. Name of State ITI Seating Capacity PMKVY 2.0 Seating Capacity Total Seating Capacity
1 Maharashtra 302728 53545 356273
2 Rajasthan 349416 66860 416276
3 Uttar Pradesh 771944 151060 923004
Total 1424088 271465 1695553

(b) to (e)

1. The details of fund allocated under Up-gradation of existing Govt. ITIs into Model ITIs and Skill Development in 47 districts affected by left wing extremis is at Annexure – A
2. The details of the allocation under World Bank Assisted Vocational Training Improvement Project (VTIP) and STRIVE is at Annexure – B
3. The details of the fund disbursed under the PMKVY 2.0 Scheme is at Annexure- C

Annexure: A

Annexure referred to in reply of part (b) To (e) of LSUQ No.29 on VOCATIONAL TRAINING INSTITUTIONS raised by SHRI SANGAM LALGUPTA: SHRI RAMDAS C. TADAS: SHRI CHANDRA PRAKASH JOSHI for answer on 18.11.2019

Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship, Directorate General of Training has formulated following schemes to fund ITIs in various States for Skill Development:
1. Upgradation of existing Government ITIs into Model ITIs:Existing Govt. ITIs in a State has been taken up for Upgradation into Model ITI which is supposed to evolve as an institution showcasing best practices, efficient and high quality training delivery and sustainable and effective industry relationship. Institute Management Committee (IMC) society for each ITI with chairperson from Industry is empowered to implement the scheme at ITI level. The scheme was approved in Dec. 2014 for a total cost of Rs 300 crores. Implementation period for the Scheme was 3 years i.e., till FY 2016-17. The scheme has now been extended by the Standing Finance Committee (SFC) for a total cost of Rs. 300 crore, in its meeting held on 09.08.2018 under the chairpersonship of Secretary (MSDE) till March 2020. The details of fund released are at Annexure A/I

2. Skill Development in 47 Districts Affected by Left Wing Extremism: The scheme envisages creation of Skill Development infrastructure closer to the people of LWE affected districts. The scheme covers 47 LWE Districts in 10 States. The cost of the scheme was Rs.407.85 crore with duration of implementation upto 31 March 2019. The scheme interalia, envisaged creation of infrastructure for 47 Industrial Training Institutes (ITIs) @ one ITI per district in 47 districts of 10 States and Creation of infrastructure for 68 Skill Development Centres (SDCs) @ 2 SDCs per districts in 34 districts of 9 States. Out of allocation amount i.e. Rs. 404.24 crore, an amount of Rs. 259.35 crore including Rs. 62.65 crore as State share has been released to the States for the purpose till 01.07.2019. The details of fund released are at Annexure A/II. The approval of the scheme was upto 31st March 2020.
Above schemes does not cover any of the Industrial Training Institute in Pratapgarh parliamentary constituency.

Annexure A/I

Upgradation of existing Govt. ITIs into Model ITIs
The details of funds released under scheme during the last three years, State-wise is tabulated below: -
(Rs. in Lakh)

Sl. No. States / UTs Location of the ITI Central Allocation Funds Released in FY 16-17 Funds Released in FY 17-18 Funds Released in FY 18-19 Total
1 Andhra Pradesh ITI Gajuwaka 700.00 175.00 175.00
2 Assam ITI Jorhat 783.00 195.75 195.75
3 Arunachal Pr. ITI Yupia 392.00 98.00 97.75 195.75
4 Bihar ITI Marhowrah 700.00 0.00
5 Chhattisgarh ITI Bhilai 700.00 175.00 175.00
6 Chandigarh ITI Chandigarh 1000.00 150.00 150.00
7 Delhi ITI Pusa 590.00 295.00 295.00
8 Goa ITI Panaji 350.00 87.50 87.50
9 Gujarat ITI Dashrath 637.00 91.65 91.65
10 Haryana ITI Gurgaon 700.00 350.00 350.00
11 Himachal Pr ITI Nalagarh 639.00 130.55 130.55
12 Jharkhand ITI Ranchi 700.00 0.00
13 Karnataka ITI Bangalore 700.00 136.00 136.00
14 ITI Honnavar 350.00 175.00 175.00
15 Kerala ITI Kalamassery 700.00 175.00 280.00 455.00
16 Madhya Pradesh ITI Bhopal 700.00 276.5 276.50
17 Maharashtra ITI Nashik 629.30 0.00
18 Orissa ITI Barbil 497.00 198.8 198.80
19 Punjab ITI Roopnagar 700.00 173.00 173.00
20 Puducherry ITI Men, Mettupalayam 350.00 175.00 175.00
21 Rajasthan ITI Udaipur 350.00 46.30 0.00 46.30
22 Sikkim ITI Namchi 450.00 49.50 49.50
23 Tamil Nadu ITI Coimbatore 700.00 0.00
24 Tripura ITI Indranagar (W) 720.00 248.94 248.94
25 Telangana ITI Mallepally 700.00 0.00
26 Uttar Pradesh ITI Meerut 700.00 154.00 280.00 434.00
27 ITI Varanasi 630.00 157.50 157.50 315.00
28 Uttarakhand ITI Jagjitpur, Haridwar 525.00 88.75 88.75
29 West Bengal ITI Durgapur 700.00 185.00 185.00
Total 17992.30 2633.30 444.69 1725.00 4802.99

* Includes Central and State Share in the ratio of 70:30 (North-East is 90:10, 100% for UT without legislator)

Annexure A/II
Skill Development in 47 Districts Affected by LWE
The details of funds released under scheme during the last three years, State-wise is tabulated below: -
(Rs. in Lakh) (Central Share only)
Sl. No. State Central allocation Fund released in last 3 Financial year

FY 2016-17 FY 2017-18 FY 2018-19 Total
1 Andhra Pradesh 650.95 412.92 412.92
2 Telangana 628.60 0.00
3 Bihar 6633.43 396.90 396.9
4 Chhattisgarh 5702.08 1646.59 1646.59
5 Jharkhand 11252.17 300.00 3031.34 1072.21 4403.55
6 Madhya Pr. 628.60 0.00
7 Maharashtra 1408.69 0.00
8 Orissa 3793.94 274.95 274.95
9 Uttar Pradesh 628.60 0.00
10 West Bengal 628.60 171.84 171.84
Total 31955.65 2221.54 4013.00 1072.21 7306.75

Annexure : B
Annexure referred to in reply of part (c) To (e) of LSUQ No.29 on VOCATIONAL TRAINING INSTITUTIONS raised by SHRI SANGAM LALGUPTA: SHRI RAMDAS C. TADAS: SHRI CHANDRA PRAKASH JOSHI for answer on 18.11.2019

Project Section is implementing following two schemes:
1. World Bank assisted Vocational Training Improvement Project (VTIP): The scheme, interalia covers upgradation of 400 Government ITIs have been covered in 34 States/UTs. The scheme was closed on September 2018.

2. STRIVE is a new central sector World Bank funded project at a total cost of Rs. 2200 crore. The project duration is 5 years and the closing date is November 2022.

3. The fund was utilised by the states for ITIs selected under the schemes (VTIP and STRIVE).

The fund was released as per the requirements for the last three years.
The details are attached in Annexure B/I
Pratapgarh is not covered in VTIP and STRIVE schemes

Annexure: B/I

Releases State wise under the scheme Vocational Training Improvement Project (VTIP)
In Lakhs
States / UTs Central funds allocation/released
FY 2016-17 FY 2017-18 FY 2018-19
Maharashtra 0.00 0.00 0.00
Rajasthan 55.91 22.04 19.00
Uttar Pradesh 265.08 0.00 0.00
Total 320.99

Releases State wise under the scheme Skills Strengthening for Industrial Value Enhancement (STRIVE)
In crores
S.No State/UT Central funds allocation/ released during FY 2018-19

1 Maharashtra 0.38
2 Rajasthan 0.44
3 Uttar Pradesh 3.76
Grand Total 4.58

Annexure : C

Annexure referred to in reply of part (a),(b)and (e) of LSUQ No.29 on VOCATIONAL TRAINING INSTITUTIONS raised by SHRI SANGAM LALGUPTA: SHRI RAMDAS C. TADAS: SHRI CHANDRA PRAKASH JOSHI for answer on 18.11.2019

Total funds disbursed to Trainees and Institutes in the last three years ( 2016-17; 2017-2018 and 2018-19) under PMKVY 2.0
*all figures are in crores
PARTICULAR 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 Total
Fund Disburse to Institutes 146.00 1,658.51 1,117.68 2,922.19
Fund Disburse to Trainees - 33.90 151.03 184.93

*Admin Charges & Insurance of candidates have not been included in above disbursement.

Total funds disbursed under PMKK in U.P. ( also separately for Pratapgarh PC) ; Rajasthan and Maharashtra in the last three years ( 2016-17; 2017-2018 and 2018-19)

S. No. State Details of the funds disbursed under PMKK
FY-16-17 FY-17-18 FY-18-19
1 Rajasthan 2.270 5.294 3.775
2 Maharashtra 0.908 5.374 5.272
3 Uttar Pradesh 7.979 17.307 3.662
Pratapgarh, UP 0.22 0.17
*all figures are in crores

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