Question : PMJDY

(a) the number of accounts created under Pradhan Mantri Jan-Dhan Yojana (PMJDY) and Basic Savings Bank Deposit Account (BSBDA) during the year 2014 and each year thereafter till 2018;
(b) the details of credit-deposit ratio of the rural and urban population in various States including Kerala;
(c) the details of total number of accounts which are active, zero balance and inactive and the total cost involved in maintaining these accounts, for the period from 2014 to 2018, year-wise;
(d) the details of total amount deposited under the PMJDY accounts after demonetisation as well as before demonetisation, separately; and
(e) whether the Government has made any inquiry against those Jan Dhan accounts in which large amount of money was deposited after demonetisation and the Government is ready to withhold imposing penalty for excess transaction from these accounts, if so, the details thereof along with the steps being taken by the Government to give a fillip to PMJDY?

Answer given by the minister

The Minister of State in the Ministry of Finance
(a) Following table shows the number of BSBD accounts and out of them how many are opened under PMJDY at the end of the financial year during 2013-14 to 2017-18:
(In crore)
Sl. No Item 31.3.14 31.3.15 31.3.16 31.3.17 31.3.18
(1) Number of BSBD accounts 24.30 39.80 46.90 53.30 53.60
(2) Out of (1), number of accounts opened under PMJDY ** 14.72 21.43 28.17 31.44
Source: RBI, Public Sector Banks & major Private Sector Banks
** PMJDY launched in August 2014
(b) As apprised by Reserve Bank of India, State/UT-wise credit-deposit ratio in 2017-18: Q4, is given in Annexure.
(c) Number of operative PMJDY accounts at the end of the financial year during 2013-14 to 2017-18 is given hereunder:
(In crore)
Item 31.3.15 31.3.16 31.3.17 31.3.18
Number of operative PMJDY accounts 14.72 21.43 17.01 25.38
Source: Public Sector Banks & major Private Sector Banks

Depending upon transactions carried out by a Jan-Dhan account holder, the balance in any Jan-Dhan account can vary on day-to-day basis and may even become zero on a particular day. Hence zero balance accounts under PMJDY are not centrally monitored.

As far as cost involved in maintaining these accounts is concerned, it is informed that like all other accounts in banking business, there is a cost for maintaining PMJDY accounts as well. However, as informed by Public Sector Banks, deposits under PMJDY accounts are low cost source of funds for banks which compensates the maintenance cost of these accounts. Cost for maintaining PMJDY accounts is not centrally maintained.

(d) As reported by banks, deposit amount as on date in PMJDY accounts for pre and post demonetization period, is given hereunder:

Date Deposit amount as on date (in Rs. crore)
2.11.2016 45302.48
9.11.2016 45636.60
30.11.2016 74321.55
28.12.2016 71036.58
29.3.2017 62972.42
28.3.2018 78493.99
5.12.2018 84814.53
Source: Public Sector Banks & major Private Sector Banks

(e) Department of Revenue apprised that based on information received from various reporting entities, Rs. 42,187 crore had been deposited in 3,74,14,844 PMJDY accounts during the period 8.11.2016 to 30.12.2016. A number of measures have been taken up by the Government, which inter-alia include collection of information on cash transactions, collating and analysis of such information, extensive use of information technology and data analytic tools for identification of high risk cases, expeditious verification of suspect cases, etc. The information is then disseminated to Law Enforcement Agencies for appropriate action at their end.

To consolidate the gains made through financial inclusion initiatives implemented so far and deepen it further to accelerate the participation of the masses in the economic growth of the country, PMJDY has been extended beyond 14.8.2018 with following modification:
? Existing Over Draft (OD) limit of Rs. 5,000 revised to Rs. 10,000.
? There will not be any conditions attached for OD upto Rs. 2,000.
? Age limit for availing OD facility revised from 18-60 years to 18-65 years.
? The accidental insurance cover for new RuPay card holders raised from existing Rs.1 lakh to Rs. 2 lakh to new PMJDY accounts opened after 28.8.2018.

For opening of accounts under PMJDY, the focus has now been shifted to from “every household to every adult”.

Annexure to Lok Sabha question no. 805 for 14.12.2018
Credit-Deposit (CD) Ratio - State/UTs-wise and Population Group-wise
(Figures are in Percentage)
States / UTs 2017-18:Q4
Metropolitan Rural Semi-urban Urban
ANDAMAN & NICOBAR ISLANDS - 30.36 61.76 39.99
ANDHRA PRADESH 129.50 129.23 114.53 93.12
ARUNACHAL PRADESH - 19.85 27.10 -
ASSAM - 53.45 46.45 36.51
BIHAR 25.82 39.55 32.73 31.29
CHANDIGARH - 24.40 22.97 109.13
CHHATTISGARH 118.55 34.18 43.13 45.71
DADRA & NAGAR HAVELI - 16.21 46.81 -
DAMAN & DIU - 7.22 28.83 -
GOA - 17.89 29.41 -
GUJARAT 99.52 42.63 52.35 54.20
HARYANA 51.82 76.19 69.17 56.17
HIMACHAL PRADESH - 30.66 37.17 21.45
JAMMU & KASHMIR 43.40 53.29 48.09 29.44
JHARKHAND 27.86 26.61 19.18 38.01
KARNATAKA 67.64 93.37 82.13 60.65
KERALA - 57.08 54.16 82.44
LAKSHADWEEP - 13.04 6.66 -
MADHYA PRADESH 67.03 83.71 66.76 49.43
MAHARASHTRA 112.33 70.44 60.92 59.56
MANIPUR - 60.87 58.84 38.00
MEGHALAYA - 42.33 28.72 20.16
MIZORAM - 50.24 66.21 27.61
NAGALAND - 55.67 28.59 36.80
NCT OF DELHI 94.26 53.49 20.70 26.93
ODISHA - 32.54 34.17 40.68
PUDUCHERRY - 109.26 62.58 57.79
PUNJAB 95.73 66.52 55.06 48.82
RAJASTHAN 72.82 99.23 77.30 65.07
SIKKIM - 30.53 34.64 24.80
TAMIL NADU 115.50 112.63 99.35 92.75
TELANGANA 108.49 130.07 88.83 85.68
TRIPURA - 40.95 50.36 35.14
UTTAR PRADESH 36.92 47.94 42.39 40.24
UTTARAKHAND - 36.08 42.82 34.16
WEST BENGAL 84.17 31.43 26.84 24.22
Source: RBI

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