Question : Outreach Programme by NPCIL

(a) the details of the outreach programme implemented by Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited (NPCIL) to spread awareness about nuclear power, address the apprehensions of the people to allay their concerns in a simple, understandable and credible manner;

(b) the number of attendees of the said programme;

(c) whether their concerns are being addressed in the manner prescribed; and

(d) if so, the details thereof and if not, the reasons therefor?

Answer given by the minister


(a) A large public outreach on-going programme, based on a multipronged approach, is implemented by Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited (NPCIL) to spread awareness about nuclear power, address the apprehensions of the people to allay their concerns in a simple, understandable and credible manner. The efforts made in this regard include:

(i) Distribution of single sheets in simple local language addressing each of the issues
concerning the local people,
(ii) Showcasing short films in local languages in theatres,
(iii) Short films on TV,
(iv) Radio jingles,
(v) Arranging visits to nuclear power plants,
(vi) Holding exhibitions,
(vii) Briefing local press and media
(viii) Addressing community leaders and people’s representatives
(ix) Lectures / Presentations in schools and colleges
(x) Doctors / scientific meets
(xi) Setting up of ‘Halls of Nuclear Power’, a permanent exhibition centre highlighting
different aspects of nuclear energy has been setup at Mumbai, Chennai & New Delhi.
(xii) Information Centres at Nuclear Power Plant sites.
(xiii) Nuclear Power Plant models installed at museums / science centres in various parts of
the country.

Innovative approaches like exhibition on wheels, farmer’s integration programmes, street plays, etc have also been taken up to reach out to the rural masses. More permanent exhibitions comprising of miniature nuclear galleries are planned to be set up in state / district science centres across the country.

(b) In the year 2018-19 and 2019-20, about 59.1 & 57.7 lakh persons were reached out through various outreach programmes. In the year 2020-21, about 1.22 lakh persons were reached out inspite of onset of Covid19 pandemic measures. The efforts have resulted in an increase in number of persons reached out over the years.

(c)&(d)The structured public outreach framework involves interactions in local languages, seminars, lectures, online queries response etc. in a simple, understandable and in a credible manner to spread awareness and address their concerns.


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