Question : Contribution of Marine Cruises towards Marine Pollution

(a) whether the commercial marine cruises contribute to marine pollution and harm marine resources in the country and if so, the details thereof; and

(b) the steps being taken by the Government to check it?

Answer given by the minister

(a) No Sir.

(b) Preventive steps of the Government of India (GoI) to check the marine pollution are as under:
(i) India is signatory to MARPOL(International Convention on Prevention of Marine Pollution). Prevention of Marine Pollution is also dealt with by Merchant Shipping Rules, 2009 framed under the Merchant Shipping Act, 1958.
(ii) To ensure compliance to these Rules, periodic Surveys of Indian Flag vessels are carried out. Additionally, Indian Vessels are inspected for compliance to these and other Rules as part of scheduled Flag State Inspections and un-scheduled (Surprise inspections).
(iii) Foreign vessels visiting India are verified for compliance to these Rules under Port State Inspection regime.
(iv) Any vessel not complying with the pollution prevention Rules /requirements is penalized.
(v) A Steering Committee with stakeholders from all the concerned Ministries and Departments has been constituted by Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change to tackle the issues of marine plastic littering, vide order No 17/7/2019-HSMD dated 14th May, 2019. The Committee shall inter-alia co-ordinate the actions of all the Ministries/Departments for their Act and the rules, examine the proposals submitted by the Nodal Ministry for prioritizing the tasks for the management of marine littering, provide recommendations to the Ministries/departments for streamlining their acts/notifications, provide strategic guidance to the concerned State Government, Union territory Governments, advise the Central government on policy, planning, research and development to promote measures focusing on sound waste management, recovery of marine plastic litter, deployment of innovative technologies and materials, public education and outreach and international cooperation to enhance national capacities.


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