(a) the details and the names of the UN Conventions signed and ratified by India so far;

(b) whether adequate measures have been taken by the Government to spread awareness among citizens about the significance of these conventions;

(c) if so, the details in this regard; and

(d) if not, the steps contemplated in this regard particularly to incorporate provisions in the domestic laws?

Answer given by the minister


(a) The list of the UN Conventions to which India is a party is enclosed as an annexure.

(b) & (c) Yes. Awareness regarding UN Conventions is spread through press releases, through conferences and seminars and the website of the concerned Ministries. Wherever required, domestic legislation is enacted to implement within India the obligations undertaken pursuant to the Convention.

(d) Does not arise.


The UN Conventions to which India is a Party

1. Charter of the United Nations, San Francisco, 26 June 1945.

Amendments to Articles 23, 27 and 61 of the Charter of the United Nations, adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations in resolutions 1991 A and B (XVIII) of 17 December 1963

Amendment to Article 109 of the Charter of the United Nations, adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations in resolution 2101 (XX) of 20 December 1965

Amendment to Article 61 of the Charter of the United Nations, adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations in resolution 2847 (XXVI) of 20 December 1971

2. Statute of the International Court of Justice

3. Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations, New York, 13 February 1946.

4. Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the Specialized Agencies, New York, 21 November 1947.

5. Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, Vienna, 18 April 1961.

6. Optional Protocol to the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, concerning Acquisition of Nationality, Vienna, 18 April 1961.

7. Optional Protocol to the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, concerning the Compulsory Settlement of Disputes, Vienna, 18 April 1961.

8. Vienna Convention on Consular Relations, Vienna, 24 April 1963.

9. Optional Protocol to the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations concerning Acquisition of Nationality, Vienna, 24 April 1963.

10. Optional Protocol to the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations concerning the Compulsory Settlement of Disputes, Vienna, 24 April 1963.

11. Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, New York, 9 December 1948.

12. International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, New York, 7 March 1966.

13. International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, New York, 16 December 1966.

14. International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, New York, 16 December 1966.

15. Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, New York, 16 December 1966.

16. Convention on the non-applicability of statutory limitations to war crimes and crimes against humanity, New York, 26 November 1968.

17. International Convention on the Suppression and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid, New York, 30 November 1973.

18. Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, New York, 18 December 1979.

19. Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, New York, 10 December 1984. (signed, not ratified)

20. International Convention against Apartheid in Sports, New York, 10 December 1985.

21. Convention on the Rights of the Child, New York, 20 November 1989.

Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the involvement of children in armed conflict, New York, 25 May 2000.

Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography, New York, 25 May 2000.

22. Protocol amending the Agreements, Conventions and Protocols on Narcotic Drugs, concluded at The Hague on 23 January 1912, at Geneva on 11 February 1925, 19 February 1925 and 13 July 1931, at Bangkok on 27 November 1931 and at Geneva on 26 June 1936, Lake Success, New York, 11 December 1946.

23. International Opium Convention, Geneva, 19 February 1925 and Lake Success, New York, 11 December 1946.

24. Convention for Limiting the Manufacture and Regulating the Distribution of Narcotic Drugs, Geneva, 13 July 1931 and Lake Success, New York, 11 December 1946.

25. Agreement concerning the Suppression of Opium Smoking, Bangkok, 27 November 1931 and Lake Success, New York, 11 December 1946.

26. Agreement concerning the Suppression of Opium Smoking, Bangkok, 27 November 1931.

27. Convention of 1936 for the Suppression of the Illicit Traffic in Dangerous Drugs, Geneva, 26 June 1936.

28. Protocol Bringing under International Control Drugs Outside the Scope of the Convention of 13 July 1931 for Limiting the Manufacture and Regulating the Distribution of Narcotic Drugs, as amended by the Protocol signed at Lake Success, New York, on 11 December 1946, Paris, 19 November 1948.

29. Protocol for Limiting and Regulating the Cultivation of the Poppy Plant, the Production of, International and Wholesale Trade in, and use of Opium, New York, 23 June 1953.

30. Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, 1961, New York, 30 March 1961.

31. Convention on psychotropic substances, Vienna, 21 February 1971.

32. Protocol amending the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, 1961, Geneva, 25 March 1972.

33. Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, 1961, as amended by the Protocol amending the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, 1961, New York, 8 August 1975.

34. United Nations Convention against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances, Vienna, 20 December 1988.

35. Protocol signed at Lake Success, New York, on 12 November 1947, to amend the Convention for the Suppression of the Traffic in Women and Children, concluded at Geneva on 30 September 1921, and the Convention for the Suppression of the Traffic in Women of Full Age, concluded at Geneva on 11 October 1933, Lake Success, New York, 12 November 1947.

36. Protocol amending the International Agreement for the Suppression of the White Slave Traffic, signed at Paris on 18 May 1904, and the International Convention for the Suppression of the White Slave Traffic, signed at Paris on 4 May 1910, Lake Success, New York, 4 May 1949.

37. International Agreement for the Suppression of the White Slave Traffic, signed at Paris on 18 May 1904, amended by the Protocol signed at Lake Success, New York, 4 May 1949, Lake Success, New York, 4 May 1949.

38. International Convention for the Suppression of the White Slave Traffic, signed at Paris on 4 May 1910, amended by the Protocol signed at Lake Success, New York, 4 May 1949, Lake Success, New York, 4 May 1949.

39. International Convention for the Suppression of the White Slave Traffic, Paris, 4 May 1910.

40. Convention for the Suppression of the Traffic in Persons and of the Exploitation of the Prostitution of Others, Lake Success, New York, 21 March 1950.

41. Final Protocol to the Convention for the Suppression of the Traffic in Persons and of the Exploitation of the Prostitution of Others, Lake Success, New York, 21 March 1950.

42. Protocol to amend the Convention for the suppression of the circulation of, and traffic in, obscene publications, concluded at Geneva on 12 September 1923, Lake Success, New York, 12 November 1947.

43. Protocol amending the Agreement for the Suppression of the Circulation of Obscene Publications, signed at Paris, on 4 May 1910, Lake Success, New York, 4 May 1949.

44. Agreement for the Repression of Obscene Publications, Paris, 4 May 1910.

45. Constitution of the World Health Organization, New York, 22 July 1946.

Amendments to articles 24 and 25 of the Constitution of the World Health Organization, Geneva, 28 May 1959.

Amendment to article 7 of the Constitution of the World Health Organization, Geneva, 20 May 1965.

Amendments to articles 24 and 25 of the Constitution of the World Health Organization, Geneva, 23 May 1967.

Amendments to articles 34 and 55 of the Constitution of the World Health Organization, Geneva, 22 May 1973.

Amendments to articles 24 and 25 of the Constitution of the World Health Organization, Geneva, 17 May 1976.

Amendment to article 74 of the Constitution of the World Health Organization, Geneva, 18 May 1978.

Amendments to articles 24 and 25 of the Constitution of the World Health Organization, Geneva, 12 May 1986.

Amendments to articles 24 and 25 of the Constitution of the World Health Organization, Geneva, 16 May 1998.

46. Protocol concerning the Office international d`hygiène publique, New York, 22 July 1946.

47. WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, Geneva, 21 May 2003.

48. Agreement establishing the Asian Development Bank, Manila, 4 December 1965.

49. Agreement establishing the International Fund for Agricultural Development, Rome, 13 June 1976.

50. Constitution of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization, Vienna, 8 April 1979.

51. Charter of the Asian and Pacific Development Centre, Bangkok, 1 April 1982.

52. Agreement to establish the South Centre, Geneva, 1 September 1994.

53. International Convention to Facilitate the Importation of Commercial Samples and Advertising Material, Geneva, 7 November 1952.

54. Convention concerning Customs Facilities for Touring, New York, 4 June 1954.

55. Additional Protocol to the Convention concerning Customs Facilities for Touring, relating to the Importation of Tourist Publicity Documents and Material, New York, 4 June 1954.

56. Convention on Road Traffic, Geneva, 19 September 1949.

57. Convention on road signs and signals, Vienna, 8 November 1968.

58. Intergovernmental Agreement on the Asian Highway Network, Bangkok, 18 November 2003

59. Convention on the International Maritime Organization, Geneva, 6 March 1948.

Amendments to articles 17 and 18 of the Convention on the International Maritime Organization, London, 15 September 1964.

Amendment to article 28 of the Convention on the International Maritime Organization, London, 28 September 1965.

Amendments to articles 10, 16, 17, 18, 20, 28, 31 and 32 of the Convention on the International Maritime Organization, London, 17 October 1974.

Amendments to the title and substantive provisions of the Convention on the International Maritime Organization, London, 14 November 1975 and 9 November 1977.

Amendments to the Convention on the International Maritime Organization relating to the institutionalization of the Committee on Technical Co-operation in the Convention, London, 17 November 1977.

Amendments to articles 17, 18, 20 and 51 of the Convention on the International Maritime Organization, London, 15 November 1979.

Amendments to the Convention on the International Maritime Organization, (institutionalization of the Facilitation Committee), London, 7 November 1991.

Amendments to the Convention on the International Maritime Organization, London, 4 November 1993.

60. Convention on a Code of Conduct for Liner Conferences, Geneva, 6 April 1974.

61. Protocol amending the International Convention relating to Economic Statistics, signed at Geneva on 14 December 1928, Paris, 9 December 1948.

62. International Convention relating to Economic Statistics, Geneva, 14 December 1928.

63. Convention for the Protection of Producers of Phonograms against Unauthorized Duplication of their Phonograms, Geneva, 29 October 1971.

64. Protocol to the Agreement on the Importation of Educational, Scientific and Cultural Materials of 22 November 1950, Nairobi, 26 November 1976.

65. International Agreement for the Establishment of the University for Peace, New York, 5 December 1980.

66. Statutes of the International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, Madrid, 13 September 1983.

67. Protocol of the Reconvened Plenipotentiary Meeting on the Establishment of the International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, Vienna, 4 April 1984.

68. Convention on the Political Rights of Women, New York, 31 March 1953.

69. Protocol amending the Slavery Convention signed at Geneva on 25 September 1926, New York, 7 December 1953.

70. Slavery Convention, signed at Geneva on 25 September 1926 and amended by the Protocol, New York, 7 December 1953.

71. Slavery Convention, Geneva, 25 September 1926.

72. Supplementary Convention on the Abolition of Slavery, the Slave Trade, and Institutions and Practices Similar to Slavery, Geneva, 7 September 1956.

73. International Convention against the taking of hostages, New York, 17 December 1979.

74. Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Crimes against Internationally Protected Persons, including Diplomatic Agents, New York, 14 December 1973.

75. International Convention for the Suppression of Terrorist Bombings, New York, 15 December 1997.

76. International Convention for the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism, New York, 9 December 1999.

77. International Convention for the Suppression of Acts of Nuclear Terrorism, New York, 13 April 2005

78. Agreement establishing the Asian Coconut Community, Bangkok, 12 December 1968.

79. Agreement establishing the Pepper Community, Bangkok, 16 April 1971.

80. Agreement establishing the Asian Rice Trade Fund, Bangkok, 16 March 1973.

81. Agreement establishing the International Tea Promotion Association, Geneva, 31 March 1977.

82. International Agreement on jute and jute products, 1982, Geneva, 1 October 1982.

83. International Tropical Timber Agreement, 1983, Geneva, 18 November 1983.

84. International Sugar Agreement, 1984, Geneva, 5 July 1984.

85. Terms of Reference of the International Copper Study Group, Geneva, 24 February 1989.

86. International Sugar Agreement, 1992, Geneva, 20 March 1992.

87. International Tropical Timber Agreement, 1994, Geneva, 26 January 1994.

88. Grains Trade Convention, 1995, London, 7 December 1994.

89. International Coffee Agreement 2001, London, 28 September 2000.

90. Agreement establishing the Terms of Reference of the International Jute Study Group, 2001, Geneva, 13 March 2001.

91. United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, Montego Bay, 10 December 1982.

92. Agreement relating to the implementation of Part XI of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of 10 December 1982, New York, 28 July 1994.

93. Agreement for the Implementation of the Provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of 10 December 1982 relating to the Conservation and Management of Straddling Fish Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks, New York, 4 August 1995.

94. Agreement on the Privileges and Immunities of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea, New York, 23 May 1997.

95. Protocol on the Privileges and Immunities of the International Seabed Authority, Kingston, 27 March 1998.

96. Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards, New York, 10 June 1958.

97. Convention on registration of objects launched into outer space, New York, 12 November 1974.

98. Convention relating to the distribution of programme-carrying signals transmitted by satellite, Brussels, 21 May 1974.

99. Constitution of the Asia-Pacific Telecommunity, Bangkok, 27 March 1976.

100. Agreement establishing the Asia-Pacific Institute for Broadcasting Development, Kuala Lumpur, 12 August 1977.

101. Tampere Convention on the Provision of Telecommunication Resources for Disaster Mitigation and Relief Operations, Tampere, 18 June 1998.

102. Convention on the prohibition of military or any other hostile use of environmental modification techniques, New York, 10 December 1976.

103. Convention on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Certain Conventional Weapons which may be deemed to be Excessively Injurious or to have Indiscriminate Effects (with Protocols I, II and III), Geneva, 10 October 1980.

Additional Protocol to the Convention on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Certain Conventional Weapons which may be deemed to be Excessively Injurious or to have Indiscriminate Effects (Protocol IV, entitled Protocol on Blinding Laser Weapons), Vienna, 13 October 1995.

Protocol on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Mines, Booby-Traps and Other Devices as amended on 3 May 1996 (Protocol II as amended on 3 May 1996) annexed to the Convention on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Certain Conventional Weapons which may be deemed to be Excessively Injurious or to have Indiscriminate Effects, Geneva, 3 May 1996.

Amendment to the Convention on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Certain Conventional Weapons which may be deemed to be Excessively Injurious or to have Indiscriminate Effects (with Protocols I, II and III), Geneva, 21 December 2001.

Protocol on Explosive Remnants of War to the Convention on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Certain Conventional Weapons which may be deemed to be Excessively Injurious or to have Indiscriminate Effects (Protocol V), Geneva, 28 November 2003.

104. Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on their Destruction, Geneva, 3 September 1992.

105. Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer, Vienna, 22 March 1985.

106. Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer, Montreal, 16 September 1987.

Amendment to the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer, London, 29 June 1990.

Amendment to the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer, Copenhagen, 25 November 1992.

Amendment to the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer adopted by the Ninth Meeting of the Parties, Montreal, 17 September 1997.

Amendment to the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer, Beijing, 3 December 1999.

107. Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal, Basel, 22 March 1989.

108. United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, New York, 9 May 1992.

109. Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, Kyoto, 11 December 1997.

110. Convention on biological diversity, Rio de Janeiro, 5 June 1992.

111. Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety to the Convention on Biological Diversity, Montreal, 29 January 2000.

112. United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification in those Countries Experiencing Serious Drought and/or Desertification, Particularly in Africa, Paris, 14 October 1994.

113. Rotterdam Convention on the Prior Informed Consent Procedure for Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in International Trade, Rotterdam, 10 September 1998.

114. Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants, Stockholm, 22 May 2001.

115. Multilateral Convention for the Avoidance of Double Taxation of Copyright Royalties, Madrid, 13 December 1979.