Question : Import of Waste Products

(a) whether the import of scrap and waste products from abroad is permitted in the country;
(b) if so, the details of the provisions in this regard;
(c) the number of such proposals submitted during the last three years along with the number of approved proposals;
(d) whether the pollution level is increasing in the country because of such imported waste; and
(e) if so, the details thereof and the reaction of the Government thereto?

Answer given by the minister


(a) and (b) The import of hazardous and other waste in the country is regulated by Hazardous and Other Wastes (Management and Transboundary Movement) Rules, 2016. The Rules provide for strategy for import and export of hazardous and other wastes. As per these Rules no import of hazardous and other wastes from any country is permitted for disposal in the country. The import of these wastes is permitted only for recycling, recovery, reuse and utilization including co-processing. The import of certain hazardous waste is allowed to actual users with the prior informed consent of the exporting country and it requires permission of the Ministry. The import of certain class of other wastes is also allowed to actual users with or without the permission of the Ministry.

(c) to (e) In the last three years from 2015-2018 (as on date), 438 applications for import of hazardous and other waste were received in the Ministry of which 261 applications were recommended, 138 applications were rejected, 27 applications are pending for site visit and 12 applications are pending for want of additional information from the applicants. The installations which are processing these imported waste have to follow all environmental norms, standards, safety measures and install air pollution control devices as prescribed by State Pollution Control Boards, Central Pollution Control Board and the Ministry.

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