Question : Integrated Safety Plan for Women

(a) whether the Ministry is contemplating to implement integrated safety plan for women in collaboration with the Ministry of Home Affairs;
(b) if so, the details thereof;
(c) whether the Ministry has taken any measures to curb violence against women in the past, if so, the details thereof;
(d) the extent to which these measures have been effective in the elimination of violence against women;
(e) the steps taken by the Union Government to strengthen online portal meant to track repeated sexual offenders; and
(f) the details of registered cases of sexual violence/crime against women and children during the last five years especially in Bundelkhand region?

Answer given by the minister


(a) & (b): The Government of India (GoI) accords utmost priority to safety of women in the country. The Ministry of Women and Child Development (MWCD) and the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) of the Government of India have undertaken a number of measures for enhancing safety of women in the country.

The Government of India has set up Nirbhaya Fund for implementing innovative schemes and projects aimed at enhancing safety and security of women. The Ministry of Women and Child Development is also implementing Schemes including the Scheme of ‘One Stop Centres’ for violence affected women, the Scheme of ‘Women Helpline’ and the Scheme of ‘Mahila Police Volunteers’ under Nirbhaya Fund Framework. Further, the Empowered Committee of Nirbhaya Fund Framework, chaired by Secretary WCD, has appraised a number of schemes/projects of the Ministry of Home Affairs for implementation with the help of Nirbhaya Fund the details of which are at Annexure-I.

(c) & (d): Implementation of initiatives for women safety is a continuous process. Some of the important measures taken by the Government of India for safety and security of women have been summarised at Annexure-II.

(e): Ministry of Home Affairs has launched the “National Database on Sexual Offenders” (NDSO) on 20th September 2018 to facilitate Law Enforcement Officers/Agencies in investigation and tracking of sexual offenders across the country. NDSO has data of over 5 lakh sexual offenders.

(f): National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) compiles and publishes information on crimes in its publication “Crime in India”. The published reports are available till the year 2016. Details on total number of crimes against women and children, including sexual violence, are as below:

Year Total number of cases reported for crimes against women, including sexual violence Total number of cases reported for crimes against children, including sexual violence
2012 244270 38172
2013 309546 58224
2014 339457 89423
2015 329243 94172
2016 338954 106958

The information on crime against women and children in Bundelkhand region is not separately maintained.



Annexure referred to in reply to Part (a) and (b) to the Lok Sabha Un-starred Question No.1338 for 28.06.2019 regarding ‘Integrated Safety Plan for Women’

Details of projects of Ministry of Home Affairs under Nirbhaya Fund

Sl. No. Name of the Proposal Amount Appraised by Empowered Committee
(Rs in crores)

1 Emergency Response Support system 321.69
2 Creation of Central Victim Compensation Fund (CVCF) 200.00
3 Organized Crime Investigative Agency (OCIA) 83.20
4 Cyber Crime Prevention against Women & Children (CCPWC) 195.83
Sub-project under CCPWC 28.93
5 Proposal for providing facility of Social Workers/Counsellors at the District and Sub- Divisional Police Station Level in Delhi 5.07
6 New building with women centric facilities for Special Unit for Women & Children (SPUWAC) and Special Unit for North East Region (SPUNER) at Nanakpura 23.53
7 Proposal for implementing a ‘Safe City Project’ in Commissionerate Police, Bhubaneswar-Cuttack, Govt. of Odisha 110.35
8 Various other activities under Delhi Police ‘Safety of Women’ Scheme 10.20
9 Safe City Proposal for 8 Cities- Delhi, Kolkata, Mumbai, Chennai, Hyderabad, Bengaluru, Ahmedabad and Lucknow. 2919.55
10 Establishment of State of Art DNA Lab. at CFSL, Chandigarh 99.76
11 Proposal for procurement of Forensic Kits for sexual Assault cases 28.33
12 Strengthening DNA analysis, cyber forensic & related facilities in SFSLs in 13 states 131.09


Annexure referred to in reply to Part (c) and (d) to the Lok Sabha Un-starred Question No.1338 for 28.06.2019 regarding ‘Integrated Safety Plan for Women’

Important measures taken by the Ministry of Home Affairs, GoI for safety and security of women

I. In order to coordinate various initiatives for safety of women, a separate Women Safety Division has been set up in Ministry of Home Affairs.

II. The Government of India enacted the Criminal Law (Amendment) Act, 2018, which inter-alia prescribes even more stringent penal provisions including death penalty for rape of a girl below the age of 12 years, and to provide for swift administration of justice in rape cases, it also mandates completion of investigation and trials within 2 months each. In order to ensure that the amendments in law effectively translate at ground level, and to enhance women safety in the country, the Government has initiated a series of measures as below:

III. An online analytic tool for police has been launched on 19th February 2019 called “Investigation Tracking System for Sexual Offences” to monitor and track time-bound investigation in sexual assault cases in accordance with Criminal Law (Amendment) Act 2018.

IV. “National Database on Sexual Offenders” (NDSO) has been launched on 20th September 2018 to facilitate investigation and tracking of sexual offenders across the country by law enforcement agencies.

V. Emergency Response Support System (ERSS), which provides a single emergency number (112) based computer aided dispatch of field resources to the location of distress has been operationalized in 20 States/ UTs in 2018-19.

VI. A cyber-crime portal has been launched on 20th September 2018 for citizens to report obscene content. Further, Cyber Crime Forensic Labs have been set up in several States, and training of over 3,664 personnel, including 410 Public Prosecutors and Judicial Officers in identifying, detecting and resolving cyber-crimes against women and children has been imparted.

VII. Using technology to aid smart policing and safety management, Safe City Projects have been sanctioned in phase-I in 8 cities (Ahmedabad, Bengaluru, Chennai, Delhi, Hyderabad, Kolkata, Lucknow and Mumbai) under Nirbhaya Fund.

VIII. In order to improve investigation, steps have been taken to strengthen DNA analysis units in Central and State Forensic Science Laboratories. This includes setting up of a State-of-the-Art DNA Analysis Unit in Central Forensic Science Laboratory, Chandigarh. Setting-up and upgrading of DNA Analysis units in State Forensic Science Laboratories in 13 States/ UTs has also been sanctioned under Nirbhaya Fund.

IX. Guidelines have been notified for collection of forensic evidence in sexual assault cases and the standard composition in a sexual assault evidence collection kit. To facilitate adequate capacity in manpower, training and skill building programs for Investigation Officers, Prosecution Officers and Medical Officers have commenced. 2,575 Officers have already been trained by Bureau of Police Research and Development (BPR&D) and Lok Narayan Jayaprakash Narayan National Institute of Criminology and Forensic Science in collection, handling and transportation of forensic evidence. BPR&D has distributed 3,120 Sexual Assault Evidence Collection Kits to States/ UTs as orientation kit as part of training.

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