Question : Overbridges on Rajkot-Porbandar NH

(a) the steps taken by the National Highway Authority of India (NHAI) for construction of overbridge near Jamvadi Chaukadi and Unwada Chaukadi at Gondal bypass on Rajkot-Porbandar national highway in Gujarat; and

(b) the steps taken by NHAI to redress the problem of traffic due to poor condition of bridge on Bhodar River near Jaipur on NH-8B in Gujarat?

Answer given by the minister



(a) The subject location fall on existing 4 lane Jetpur-Gondal-Rajkot section of NH-27 which is presently under Build, Operate and Transfer (Toll). Considering the various representation and traffic, Competent Authority in NHAI has approved to carry out feasibility/DPR study for 6 laning of the said section. The DPR work is under progress. The requirement of over bridge at Jamvadi Chowkdi of NH-27 has been referred to Design Consultant to technically examine and to suggest the solution.
(b) The major bridge has been closed since last 2 years due to distress in deck slab & other bridge components. The section is with Toll Operate Transfer (TOT) agency since last year who has undertaken final testing/structural audit of the Bridge. TOT Concessionaire appointed CRRI (Central Road Research Institute, Delhi) and CRRI has completed all the tests recently. As per the report of CRRI, Concessionaire will start the repair work immediately and will open it for traffic after completion of repair work & testing work.


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