Question : 5G Technology

(a) whether the Government has constituted a High Level Forum for 5G India, 2020 and if so, the details, the purpose and the composition thereof along with its terms of reference and the time by which the said forum is likely to submit its report;

(b) whether the Government proposes to undertake research to develop 5G technology in the country and if so, the details thereof and the action taken by the Government in this regard;

(c) the time by which the said technology is likely to be launched across the country and the action taken/proposed to be taken by the Government in this regard;

(d) the socio-economic benefits likely to be accrued from the said technology; and

(e) the steps taken by the Government to improve the existing 3G and 4G networks and increase the access of the said networks in the country?

Answer given by the minister

(a) Yes Madam. The Government has constituted High Level Forum for 5G India 2020 on 22ndSeptember 2017. The details, the purpose and the composition thereof along with its terms of reference and the time by which the said forum is likely to submit its report are given in Annexure.
(b) The Government is funding a research project covering various areas of 5G technologies, wherein advanced simulators and technology prototypes will be developed. The Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology has approved this project in September 2015 with an outlay of Rs. 36.51 crores over a period of three years for joint implementation by Indian Institute of Science Bengaluru, IIT Bombay, IIT Hyderabad, IIT Madras and Centre of Excellence in Wireless Technology (CEWiT). Further, Government is also promoting setting up of test-beds for testing 5G and future wireless technologies.
(c) The standardization of 5G technology is in progress at the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), Geneva, Switzerland. India would take action to keep pace with the other countries in development and implementation of 5G technologies.
(d) The socio-economic benefits likely to be accrued from the said technology are immense. The 5G led digital transformation can spur innovation and productivity growth across many activities, transform public services, and improve wellbeing as information, knowledge and data become more widely available.
(e) In order to facilitate improvement and expansion of networks, including existing 3G and 4G networks in the country, the Government has, inter-alia, initiated a series of measures, like: -
(i) Making available sufficient spectrum for mobile services,
(ii) Allowing Spectrum sharing, trading and liberalization of administratively allocated spectrum as per the guidelines to facilitate efficient utilization,
(iii) Permitting sharing of active as well as passive infrastructure by the telecom service providers for achieving higher utilization of efficiency,
(iv) Facilitating use of Government estate for installation of mobile towers on multiple-sharing basis.


Annexure to Lok Sabha, Unstarred Question No. 920,
to be Answered on 20th December, 2017 on 5G Technology

No 6-33/2017 –IC
Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Telecommunications
International Cooperation Division

Subject :- Constitution of High Level Forum for 5G India 2020

5G is the next technological frontier. Digital Transformation through 5G will fundamentally impact other national Mission Mode projects. 5G will provide a new dimension to the Digital India, Smart Cities & Smart Village missions. 5G has potentially large contributions to Make in India and Start-Up India missions. The objective is to position India as a globally synchronised participant in the Design, Development and Manufacturing of 5G based technology, products and applications.

2. In order to steer 5G India 2020, a High Level Forum has been constituted vide Office Memorandum dated 22nd September 2017 with the following Members:
S. No. Name / Designation
1 Secretary, DoT Chairperson
2 Secretary, MeitY Co-Chairperson
3 Secretary, D/o Science & Technology Co-Chairperson
4 Member (Technology), DoT Member
5 Additional Secretary, DoT Member
6 Sr. DDG (TEC), DoT Member
7 Wireless Advisor, DoT Member
8 Dr. A. Paulraj, Professor Emeritus, Stanford University, USA Member
9 Mr Gururaj Deshpande - Chairman of Sycamore Networks, Sandstone, USA Member
10 Prof Bhaskar Ramamurthy – Director, IIT Madras Member
11 Prof Abhay Karandikar – IIT Mumbai & Chairman, TSDSI Member
12 Prof Uday Desai –Director, IIT Hyderabad Member
13 Prof Anurag Kumar – Director, IISc Bengaluru Member
14 Prof Ramgopal Rao – Director, IIT Delhi Member
15 Mr. Sanjay Mashruwala - MD, Reliance Jio Member
16 Mr. Gopal Vittal – MD & CEO Bharti Airtel Limited & Chairman, COAI Member
17 Mr Ashwani K Aggarwal – Chairman, IESA Member
18 Mr Ananth Krishnan, CTO, TCS Member
19 ED, C-DoT Member
20 DDG(NT), DoT Member
21 DDG(Security-Assurance), DoT Member
22 DDG(IC), DoT Member Secretary
23* Mr. Anupam Shrivastava, CMD, BSNL Member
24* Mr. T. V. Ramachandran, President, Broadband India Forum Member
* Members at Sl.No 23 & 24 included vide Office Memorandum dated 31st October 2017.
Chairperson may co-opt any expert as deemed necessary.
3. The Term of Reference of the High Level Forum for 5G India 2020 shall be: -
a) Vision Mission and Goals for the 5G India 2020, and
b) Evaluate, approve roadmaps & action plans for 5G India 2020.
4. The International Cooperation (IC) Division of DoT along with TCOE India (a PPP of Government, Academia and Industry) will service the Forum. The Forum may constitute Steering Committees of Members for various domains. The Forum shall finalise the Report on 5G Vision, Mission and Goals by March 2018.
5. This is issued with the approval of Hon’ble Minister of Communications.

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