(a) the details of steps being taken by the Government to make rural areas self-reliant in the matter of energy through the non-conventional energy sources;

(b) the amount allocated to each State for the purpose during the last three years till date and the details of the work done during the previous year;

(c) the efforts being made by the Government for identification and development of renewable energy;

(d) the percentage of population of the country depends of renewable energy, State-wise;

(e) whether any assistance is being sought by the Government from voluntary organization for the development and harnessing the renewable energy in the country; and

(f) if so, the details thereof?

Answer given by the minister


(a): The Ministry is implementing various programmes / schemes aimed to provide cooking, lighting and motive power needs through renewable energy means in rural areas. A Remote Village Electrification programme with the aim of electrifying over 25000 remote unelectrified census villages and hamlets through non-conventional energy means is being implemented for which central financial assistance upto 90% of the project cost is being provided. In addition, a District Advisory Committee on Renewable Energy is being constituted in every district by respected State to oversee the implementation of renewable energy programmes in the district apart from creating awareness regarding the benefits of using renewable energy.

(b): Details of state-wise central financial assistance provided under various non-conventional energy programmes during 2001-02 to 2004-05 (as on 31-10-2004), are given in the Annexure. During 2003-04, around 1.49 lakh biogas plants, 20,000 solar cookers, 12490 solar photovoltaic lighting systems, 841 solar pumps, 80 water pumping windmills and 123 kW small aero-generators have been deployed apart from 613 remote unelectrified villages have been electrified through non-conventional energy means.

(c): Various programmes / schemes for harnessing the grid interactive renewable power potential are in operation. The potential from these sources is estimated at around 80,000 MW against which over 5000 MW of grid interactive renewable power generation capacity has been installed in the country as on 30-9-2004. The broad aim at the national level is to deploy around 3075 MW of grid interactive renewable power systems during the 10th Plan period. In the first half of the 10th Plan period, around 1670 MW of renewable power systems have already been installed.

(d): Over 5 lakh households are using solar photovoltaic systems as a predominant source for lighting and around 8.50 lakh households are using biogas as a predominant source for meeting cooking needs in the country. In addition, electricity from over 5000 MW of installed grid interactive renewable power is being fed into respective state grids for usual applications.

(e) & (f): Various non-conventional energy programmes are being implemented in the states through state government departments / state nodal agencies. The states can involve local voluntary organizations and NGOs for the implementation of various non-conventional energy programmes / schemes depending upon the nature and need of the project.


Annexure referred to in reply to part (b) of Lok Sabha Unstarred Question No.2219 for 14-12-2004 regarding Non-conventional Energy Sources in Rural Areas

State-wise, central financial assistance provided under various non-conventional energy programmes during 2001-02 to 2004-05 (as on 31-10-2004).

Sl.No.	STATES/UT Amount (Rs. in crore)
1 Andhra Pradesh 62.63 2 Arunachal Pradesh 40.11 3 Assam 4.86 4 Bihar 0.39 5 Chhattisgarh 17.92 6 Goa 0.78 7 Gujarat 17.50 8 Haryana 16.87 9 Himachal Pradesh 29.62 10 Jammu & Kashmir 12.89 11 Jharkhand 13.38 12 Karnataka 47.78 13 Kerala 14.86 14 Madhya Pradesh 12.10 15 Maharastra 25.69 16 Manipur 12.38 17 Meghalaya 10.33 18 Mizoram 8.80 19 Nagaland 7.09 20 Orissa 16.46 21 Punjab 43.48 22 Rajasthan 24.86 23 Sikkim 21.54 24 Tamil Nadu 19.66 25 Tripura 29.18 26 Uttar Pradesh 62.09 27 Uttranchal 23.07 28 West Bengal 70.52 29 Andaman & Nicobar 8.93 30 Chandigarh 0.52 31 Dadar & Nagar Haveli 0.00 32 Daman & Diu 0.00 33 Delhi 5.20 34 Lakshwadeep 15.09 35 Pondicherry 0.85
Total 697.43