Question : Assistance by NCRPB

Will the Minister of URBAN DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state:

(a) the details of loan / financial assistance sanctioned by the National Capital Region (NCR) Planning Board for various infrastructure projects during the last three years, and the current year;

(b) the details of infrastructure projects for which loan were sanctioned but not completed in a time bound manner; and

(c) the fresh steps taken by the Government to ensure time bound execution of projects being constructed out of loan / financial assistance provided from NCR Planning Board?

Answer given by the minister



(a) :National Capital Region Planning Board (NCRPB) has informed that the year-wise details of loans sanctioned by them during the last three years and the current year are as under:

Year No. of Projects Loans Sanctioned (Rs. in Cr.)
2013-14 17 1,025.27
2014-15 - -
2015-16 10 3,267.74
Current Year 2016-17 8 1,663.42
Total 35 5,956.43

(b) : Out of the 35 projects for which loans were sanctioned during the last three financial years and the current year, 5 projects have been withdrawn by Govt. of Haryana. 29 projects are ongoing as per the approved schedule.

Only one project, viz. construction of multi-storied office building at Karkardooma Institutional Area in East Delhi has not started due to tendering issues.

(c) : NCRPB monitors progress of implementation of projects through periodic progress reports submitted by the implementing agency and also verifies the reported expenditures and actual progress on site prior to release of subsequent loan instalments.

The progress is also reviewed in the meeting of Project Sanctioning and Monitoring Group (PSMG) of the Board, held from time to time. The delays in implementation/ deviations are highlighted to the highest level in the State Governments concerned.


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