Question : Promotion of Rural Industries

(a) the details of the number of industries set up and functional in the country according to policy of “Jahan Par Utpadan Wahin Nirman Prasanskaran” during the last three years, district-wise;

(b) the details of the industry specially of Oil industries, textile industries fruit based industries and jute industries in Maharashtra including Jalgaon district;

(c) whether the Government is considering any village industry policy to make each village an industrial area in place of making industrial areas near cities; and

(d) if so, the details thereof?

Answer given by the minister


(a): No policy or scheme by name “Jahan Par Utpadan Wahin Nirman Prasanskaran” is being implemented by the Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME).

(b): Ministry of MSME is implementing Prime Minister’s Employment Generation Programme (PMEGP) which is a major credit-linked subsidy programme aimed at generating self-employment opportunities by providing financial assistance for establishment of micro-enterprises in the non-farm sector to traditional artisans and unemployed youth in rural as well as urban areas. Any activity (barring a few indicated in the negative list of Scheme guidelines) can be taken up under PMEGP, broadly in the areas as mentioned below:

i. Agro Based & Food Processing Industry (ABFPI),
ii. Forest Based Industry (FBI)
iii. Mineral Based Industry (MBI),
iv. Polymer & Chemical Based industry (PCBI),
v. Rural Engineering & Bio Technology Industry (REBTI),
vi. Handmade Paper & Fibre Industry (HMPFI),
vii. Service & Textiles industry.

Number of micro enterprises setup under PMEGP in Maharashtra during last three year under the above said 7 industry groups is given in Annexure-I. District-wise information is not maintained in the Ministry.

(c): No, Madam.

(d): Does not arise.

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