Question : Coronavirus Infected Indians

(a) the number of corona virus infected Indian citizens residing abroad, country-wise;

(b) the number of Indians rescued from the corona virus affected areas including the cost of the evacuation, country-wise;

(c) the number of corona virus infected / disinfected Indians trapped in China and various parts of the world including the ones trapped abroad a cruise ship and the measures taken by the Government and Indian embassies/consulates to safely bring the aforesaid Indians back to India;

(d) whether there are restrictions placed by several nations against people travelling back to India through transit from China and other nations where coronavirus proliferation has peaked; and

(e) if so, the details thereof and the reasons therefor and the measures taken by the Government to address the issue?

Answer given by the minister


(a) As per information available, the number of Coronavirus infected Indian citizens abroad is as follows:

- Japan (on the cruise ship) – 16 (being treated at onshore medical facilities in Japan); and

- UAE - 1

(b) Government of India evacuated a total of 766 persons, including 723 Indian nationals and 43 foreigners from China. Similarly, 119 Indians have been brought back to India from the cruise ship in Japan.

i. Air India has raised a bill of Rs. 5,98,90,352/- for operating two special flights to China.

ii. An Indian Airforce flight carrying relief material to China also carried Indian citizens from Wuhan, China on its return journey. Expenditure details are yet to be received from Ministry of Defence.

iii. Expenditure details for the special flight – Japan to India - for evacuation is yet to be received from Air India.

(c) As in (a) above.

(d) Nil.

(e) Does not arise.


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