(a) to (e): To promote handloom & handicraft sectors, Ministry of Textiles is implementing the following schemes for weavers and artisans across the country including Jharkhand:
1. National Handloom Development Programme;
2. Raw Material Supply Scheme;
3. National Handicrafts Development Programme;
4. Comprehensive Handicrafts Cluster Development Scheme;
Under the above schemes, financial assistance is provided to the eligible handloom agencies/weavers for raw materials, common infrastructure development, marketing of handloom & handicrafts products in domestic/overseas markets, Weavers MUDRA Loans and to handicraft artisans for skill development in Handicrafts Sector, Ambedkar Hastshilp Vikas Yojana, Direct Benefit to Artisans, Infrastructure and Technology Support, Research and Development, Mega Cluster etc.
• In the schemes budget is not allocated State/UT-wise. Funds to eligible handloom agencies are released for various interventions on receipt of proposals as per the extant guidelines of the respective schemes. The details of funds allocated/utilized under the schemes during the last three years including current year are as follows:
Scheme-wise and year-wise funds allocated/utilized during the last three years including current year
(Rs. in Crores)
Sl. No. Name of Schemes 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 (upto 22.03.2022)
Allocated Utilised* Allocated Utilised* Allocated Utilised*
1 National Handloom Development Programme (Revenue) 166.71 149.14 161.49 159.53 165.50 152.48
2 Raw Material Supply Scheme 165.21 142.21 70.00 60.32 105.00 86.34
Total 331.92 291.35 231.49 219.85 270.50 238.82
* The funds utilized/released are based on receipt of proposals from the State Governments and other Handloom organisations, and utilizations of previously released funds etc.
• Since 2015-16, 508 (including 30 clusters in Jharkhand) Clusters have been sanctioned financial assistance, covering 3,34,091 beneficiaries. Further, upgraded looms/accessories have been provided to 56,192 weavers, lighting units to 5,309 weavers, assistance for individual work-sheds to 3,478 weavers and also 65,978 handloom have workers undergone skill up-gradation in technical areas.
• Handloom Expos/events are being organized at various places to provide marketing platform to the Handloom Weavers to enable them sell their products directly to end users across the country.
• Weavers are facilitated to sell their products online and 23 e-commerce platforms have been associated by Ministry of Textiles under a policy framework.
• Steps have been taken to on-board weavers on Government e-Market place to enable them to sell their products directly to various Government Departments and organizations. So far about 1.5 lakh weavers and 0.28 lakh handicrafts artisans have been on-boarded on the GeM portal, including the state of Jharkhand.
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