(a) to (d): The area of Information Technology (IT) is characterized by rapid developments and fast changing obsolescence. With every IT product introduced into the market, newer vulnerabilities are discovered, leaving scope for malicious actions. In tune with the dynamic nature of Information Technology, continuous efforts are required to be made to prevent and recover from cyber attacks. As such, the protection of India`s IT infrastructure in general and critical information infrastructure in particular is a dynamic activity and continuing process.
Government is aware of the nature of the threats in Cyber Space and accordingly, Government is following an integrated approach with a series of legal, technical and administrative steps to ensure that necessary systems are in place to address the growing threat of cyber attacks in the country. Specific steps in this regard relate to actions such as periodic scanning of cyber space and a close watch on critical infrastructure networks to date and variety of threats and imminent attacks; training of manpower engaged in operation of critical networks to protect their systems and networks; carrying out periodic security audits on sample basis; conducting mock cyber security drills involving critical sector organizations and providing a platform for the personnel of critical sector organizations to share their experience.
There is no proposal with the Government to set up Cyber Intelligence body. However, realizing the need for real time situational awareness and rapid response to cyber security incidents, Government has initiated action to set up the National Cyber Coordination Centre (NCCC) to generate near real time macroscopic views of the cyber security breaches and cyber security threats in the country. The centre will scan the cyberspace in the country and will generate real time situational awareness and proactively cyber threat detection at national level. The centre will remain in touch on online basis with various organizations and entities in the country and will work with them to counter and mitigate attacks and cyber incidents on a near real time basis. A financial outlay of Rs. 775 Crores for five years has been provided for setting up NCCC. NCCC is likely to be operational in 12 months.
(e): A National Cyber Security Policy was put in place on 02 July 2013 for public use and implementation by all relevant stakeholders. Its stated mission is `to protect information and information infrastructure in cyber space, build capabilities to prevent and respond to cyber threats, reduce vulnerabilities and minimize damage from cyber incidents through a combination of institutional structures, people, processes, technology and cooperation`. It seeks to do so by creating a secure cyber ecosystem and an assurance framework, encouraging open standards, strengthening the regulatory framework, vulnerability management, promotion of research and development in cyber security and enhancing our technical skill sets and human resources. Action on the components of the Policy are to be taken by Government, Public and Private sector. Most of the actions have been initiated.
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