Question : Funds under Swachh Bharat Mission

(a) the details of the funds sanctioned, allocated and utilised under Swachh Bharat Mission-Urban (SBM-U) in the country, State-wise including Maharashtra particularly Osmanabad Parliamentary Constituency and Ramtek-Nagpur districts during the last five years;

(b) the details of the targets fixed and achievements made in this regard so far;

(c) whether the targets and the basic objectives under the same have been achieved by the Government within fixed time-limit and if so, the details thereof;

(d) if not, the reasons therefor particularly for Maharashtra in this regard, district-wise;

(e) the steps being taken by the Government to achieve the targets at the earliest;

(f) whether the Government has taken a decision to increase the central assistance for SBM-U and if so, the details thereof; and

(g) if not, the reasons therefor including the amount of funds to be allocated for Maharashtra for the next three years along with the details thereof, scheme-wise?

Answer given by the minister


(a) : Under Swachh Bharat Mission-Urban (SBM-U) Central Share (CS) funds are sanctioned by Central Government to the State as a whole. CS funds released to the States are then released by the State Governments to Urban Local Bodies (ULBs) as per the State Action Plan. State-wise details of CS funds released during the last five years and current year under SBM-U is at Annex-I.

(b) to (d) : The CS funds are allocated to the States/UTs for the entire Mission period. CS funds are sanctioned/ released on the basis of demand made by the State/UT in the form of complete proposals duly approved by State Committees. The achievements in utilization of funds by various States/UTs is at Annex-I. The targets and the achievements of various States/ UTs in physical terms is at Annex-II, III and IV.

(e) : The targets in Open Defecation Free (ODF) status have been achieved as ULBs of all the States/ UTs have been declared ODF except for one ULB in West Bengal. The target of construction of Individual House Hold Latrines (IHHLs) and Community/ Public Toilets (CT/PT) have been over achieved as given in Annex-II and III. Against the target of 100 per cent scientific processing of all Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) generated in the country, to be achieved by 01st October, 2026, presently the progress is 72 per cent. The target of 100 per cent processing of MSW would be fully achieved under the SBM-U 2.0, in the next five years, i.e., by the date of its completion on 01st October, 2026.

(f) & (g) : Swachh Bharat Mission-Urban (SBM-U) 2.0, rolled out on October 1, 2021, with the overall funding of ?1,41,600 Crore for its implementation over a period of five years from 2021 to 2026, the increase in funding have been nearly two and half times more than the provision of ?62,009 Crore for SBM-U, implemented during the period October 2, 2014 to September 31, 2021.


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