Question : Ban on Import of Non-Essential Items

(a) the number of items being imported in the country;
(b) whether the Government is planning to put a ban on the import of certain non-essential items;
(c) if so, the country-wise details thereof along with the reasons therefor;
(d) the details of the items likely to be banned; and
(e) the time by which such ban is likely to be implemented?

Answer given by the minister


(a). At present, out of around 11,500 tariff lines at 8 digit level import has taken place on 9,631 tariff lines at 8 digit level.
(b),(c),(d) &(e). At present, there is no proposal for banning any items. However, milk and milk products including chocolate and chocolate products and candies/ confectionery/ food preparations with milk or milk solids as ingredient are ‘Prohibited’ for imports from China since 2008 on the grounds of protecting human health and life. Import of Arms and related material from Iraq is ‘Prohibited’. There is a country specific ban on specified imports from Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Iran and Somalia based on UN sanctions.

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