Question : Non-communicable Diseases

Will the Minister of HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE be pleased to state:

(a) whether as per the recent report of the World Health Organisation (WHO), Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) are estimated to have accounted for approximately 60 per cent of the deaths in India in 2014, and if so, the facts in this regard;

(b) whether the Government has conducted any study/survey to ascertain the factors responsible for rising number of patients suffering from NCDs in the country, if so, the details and the outcome thereof;

(c) whether the Government has drawn any action plan for prevention and control of NCDs and spread awareness in this regard;

(d) if so, the details thereof along with the funds allocated, released and utilised for the purpose during each of the last three years and the current year, State/UT-wise, and

(e) the measures taken/proposed to be taken by the Government to develop low cost medicines and therapy for NCDs and make them available at lower prices in the country?

Answer given by the minister

(a) & (b): As per World Health Organisation (WHO)’s “Non-Communicable Diseases (NCD) Country Profiles 2014”, NCDs are estimated to account for 60 percent of total deaths in India which includes deaths due to Cardiovascular Diseases (26%), Cancer (7%), Chronic Respiratory Diseases (13%), Diabetes (2%) and other NCDs (12%).



The factors responsible for increase in Non-communicable Diseases are unhealthy diet, lack of physical activity, harmful use of alcohol, over-weight, obesity, tobacco use etc.

Under National Action Plan and Monitoring Framework for NCDs, Government has identified inter-alia (i) salt/sodium intake, (ii) tobacco use, (iii) raised blood pressure, (iv) physical inactivity, (v) Obesity and (vi) alcohol use as indicators of risk factors of NCDs.

(c) to (e): Since health is a State subject, the State Governments are making available health care facilities to the people and are also creating awareness of NCDs.

However, Government of India has launched National Programme for Prevention and Control of Cancer, Diabetes, Cardiovascular Diseases and Stroke (NPCDCS) which is implemented for interventions up to District Level under the National Health Mission. NPCDCS has a focus on awareness generation for behaviour and life-style changes, screening and early diagnosis of persons with high levels of risk factors and their referral to higher facilities for appropriate management.

A statement showing allocation/release and the expenditure reported by the State Governments under NPCDCS for the last three years and current year is at Annexure.
The treatment of patients is either free or subsidised in the Government healthcare delivery system.

ICMR has developed Magnivisualizer, a low cost instrument used for cervical cancer screening.

In order to reduce the out of pocket expenditure incurred by patients for procurement of drugs and implants for cancer and cardiovascular diseases, Affordable Medicines and Reliable Implants for Treatment (AMRIT) Pharmacy has been opened at All India Institute of Medical Science (AIIMS), New Delhi as a new initiative on a pilot basis. AMRIT outlet sells cancer and cardiovascular drugs and implants at discounted prices to patients having valid prescription. Approval has also been accorded to open AMRIT Pharmacy at 6 new AIIMS and major Central Government Hospitals.

National List of Essential Medicines (NLEM) contains medicines for the treatment of common NCDs like cardiovascular diseases, cancer, stroke and diabetes. There are 47 medicines for cancer in NLEM. The ceiling price of medicines in NLEM are fixed by Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013.

Sl. No Name Of State (Rs. in Lakh)
2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 (Till 9/2015)
Released Utilised Released Utilised Released Utilised Released Utilised
1 Andhra Pradesh 0.00 69.34 0.00 61.33 561.00 115.41 0.00 0
2 Assam 0.00 310.58 1714.00 620.62 579.00 288.43 3333.00 322.14
3 Bihar 0.00 120.17 972.00 176.15 1208.00 50.65 597.00 0
4 Chhattisgarh 0.00 10.07 0.00 162.20 504.00 390.27 526.00 22.48
5 Gujarat 0.00 329.02 0.00 564.04 666.00 543.28 1551.00 430.88
6 Haryana 0.00 129.23 0.00 261.94 799.00 207.89 331.00 61.12
7 Himachal Pradesh 0.00 15.56 0.00 73.90 0.00 23.79 263.00 7.1
8 Jharkhand 0.00 10.63 332.00 148.95 835.00 390.24 790.00 89.47
9 Jammu & Kashmir 0.00 396.24 0.00 300.55 913.00 160.11 629.00 45.17
10 Karnataka 0.00 156.02 0.00 639.86 976.00 231.46 1187.00 151.57
11 Kerala 0.00 616.36 0.00 167.17 545.00 768.38 467.00 70.41
12 Madhya Pradesh 0.00 293.19 462.00 315.52 1694.00 681.07 2681.00 83.9
13 Maharashtra 0.00 615.50 586.00 1044.66 1289.00 1131.70 2375.00 219.37
14 Odisha 0.00 84.45 0.00 480.22 1234.00 414.97 1065.00 32.95
15 Punjab 0.00 279.25 0.00 199.85 803.00 368.32 312.00 150.86
16 Rajasthan 0.00 154.27 59.00 242.01 1180.00 445.48 2704.00 221.26
17 Sikkim 0.00 89.07 0.00 81.62 176.00 81.46 66.00 45.76
18 Tamil Nadu 0.00 0.00 89.00 175.13 1355.00 2.70 1300.00 0
19 Uttrakhand 0.00 95.73 0.00 34.70 545.00 35.87 624.00 9.54
20 Uttar Pradesh 2431.25 89.29 1398.00 347.12 2027.00 2519.38 3626.00 565.5
21 West Bengal 0.00 83.68 1027.00 416.78 754.00 416.34 0.00 1.63
22 Andaman & Nicobar 0.00 0.00 5.00 0.00 25.00 0.63 55.00 0
23 Dadra & Nagar Haveli 0.00 0.00 5.00 0.00 17.00 0.12 42.00 0
24 Daman & Diu 0.00 0.00 4.00 0.00 13.00 0.00 35.00 0
25 Lakshadweep 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 13.00 4.68 0.00 0
26 Delhi 0.00 0.00 247.00 0.00 141.00 0.00 149.00 0
27 Pondicherry 0.00 0.00 18.00 7.02 152.00 38.00 0.00 2.2
28 Goa 0.00 0.00 22.00 0.00 127.00 14.83 0.00 1.77
29 Chandigarh 0.00 0.00 16.00 0.00 13.00 6.04 0.00 4.34
30 Arunachal Pradesh 0.00 0.00 76.00 69.20 354.00 360.05 534.00 0.75
31 Meghalaya 0.00 0.00 163.00 0.00 147.00 24.35 228.00 24.62
32 Mizoram 0.00 0.00 60.00 26.25 176.00 116.08 137.00 107
33 Nagaland 0.00 0.00 109.00 0.00 346.00 73.78 246.00 26.27
34 Tripura 0.00 0.00 202.00 1.03 176.00 0.00 0.00 0
35 Manipur 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 296.00 0.00 273.00 0
36 Telengana 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 401.00 0.00 791.00 0
TOTAL 2431.25 3947.65 7567.00 6617.82 21040.00 9905.76 26917.00 2698.06

Note :i) No Seprate Programmewise release of funds has been made during the 2015-16.
ii) Now, NPCDCS programme has been mergred under N C D Flexi Pool for release of funds.

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